Chapter 20: The Epilogue

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"We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Edmundo Diaz and Evan Buckley. Today, their souls intertwine with each other's in marriage. May the ring bearer please step forward." Maddie spoke out loud.

She had studied and became a registered officiant so that she could legally marry Buck and Eddie.

Christopher crutched his way down the aisle holding two black ring boxes and Athena behind him for support. Eddie and Buck's eyes filled with tears as their boy made his way towards them. He arrived to the two men standing at the alter.

Buck was wearing a maroon tuxedo with navy blue accents while Eddie wore a navy blue tuxedo with maroon accents. They stood surrounded by fairy lights in a vintage barn. It wasn't a huge wedding but it was everything Buck had hoped for.

Christopher had handed both men their rings for each other and made his way to Eddie's side while Athena joined Bucks side.

"Before we continue on, do any of you two have any vows prepared?" Maddie asked.

Both men nodded in excitement.

"You go first." Eddie gestured Buck.

Buck gladly did so and took both of Eddie's hands into his.

"Eddie Diaz, the moment I first locked eyes with those beautiful brown eyes, I knew immediately that I have found my soulmate. You have taught me that no matter all the bad things in my life that I am still loveable. You have shown me what kindness and patience means in a partner. I still can't believe that I get to marry the man I have always been in love with. I can't wait for my future with you and Christopher. I promise to love our family and to never take it for granted. I love you, Eddie Diaz."

There was not a dry eye in the room. Eddie wiped his tears and took in a deep breath.

"Evan Buckley, you are the most extraordinary person I have ever met. You came from a family who never showed you love, you had to grow up at an early age, you've been through more traumatic things a human should ever have to go through yet you still overcame it all. You came into all our lives and changed it for the better. You are the heart and soul of the 118 and I'm beyond lucky to now have you as apart of the Diaz family. I promise to always keep you safe, to always love you even when you don't feel lovable, to stay loyal and truthful to you, and to always have your back. I am so proud to call you my husband."

The crowd awed and sobbed out. Everyone had to pull the tissues out for this because it was seriously too cute.

"God I wanna kiss you right now." Buck replied, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Beautiful vows you two—" Maddie started but was immediately interrupted.

"I actually have vows to make to someone else." Buck stated and Eddie looked confused.

Buck crouched down and gestured for Christopher to come toward him which he did so without hesitation.

"Christopher Diaz, my little superman! I vow to you to always love you unconditionally, to always protect you and to always be someone you can lean on. I got lucky with your daddy but I won the lottery with you. You are the most wonderful kid and I'm so honoured to be able to watch you grow into the gentleman that you are."

Christopher lunged himself into Buck tightly while crying into his chest. Buck snuggled into the hug and rubbed his hair. Eddie had to look away to wipe his face before snot came out because that was the cutest thing he's ever witnessed.

"Can I call you papa now?!"

"Of course you can!"

"I love you, papa!"

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