Chapter 19: The Hearing

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Authors note: The first half is NSFW ;) scroll down to the 4 dots if that makes you uncomfortable :)



Buck blinked his eyes open, the sun shone through the window onto Eddie's face. Buck smiled warmly and gently rubbed Eddie's cheek. He couldn't believe that this was his fiancé. The man he's been in love with for years, was going to be his husband. The very thought made Bucks heart flutter.

Buck watched Eddie for what felt like minutes but in reality, was much longer than that. He couldn't help his admiration for the man. Finally, Eddie's eyelids fluttered open exposing his beautiful brown eyes. Tiredness plastered on his face but the corner of his lips rising once he saw a shirtless Buck leaning above him.

"Good morning, gorgeous." Eddie croaked out.

"Good morning, handsome."

"It's kind of rude that you aren't kissing me yet, Buck."

"My apologies, how dare I?!"

Buck leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Eddie's lips. Those same lips that Buck had fantasized for years were now his and his only. Eddie placed both his hands gently on the back of Bucks neck and deepened the kiss.

"Mmm" Buck hummed and broke the kiss.

"Someone's got a case of morning wood." Buck winked.

"My fiancé makes me horny. Sue me." Eddie winked back.

"God I love hearing you say that."

"I've been dreaming of the day you become my husband."

"Eddie Diaz, you really know how to make a grown man blush."

"What can I say? I'm just naturally charming." Eddie smirked.

"That you are!"

They both chuckled and stared into each other's eyes. Eddie's eyes shifting as if he wanted to ask something but shook it off.

"What's on your mind? Don't think I don't know that look, mister." Buck said.

"I just... do you regret it?"

"Regret what?"

"Having sex with me...when you didn't remember everything. I just don't want you to feel like I took advantage of you."

Bucks eyes dropped in awe. He knew that this has been on Eddie's mind for awhile and it made him feel guilty for not speaking about it sooner. His heart melted over the fact that Eddie was such a thoughtful person who always made sure Buck felt safe.

He placed both hands onto to Eddie's shoulders so that Eddie would look him in the eye.

"There isn't a fibre in my body that regrets having sex with you, Eddie. Not a single one."


"Really. How could anyone regret sex that amazing?! That was life changing dude."

"I love you so much, mi amour." 

Before Buck could respond, Eddie pulled him into a passionate kiss. Their lips moved in harmony, perfectly molded for each other. Buck felt tingles as Eddie softly ran his fingers down his back and rubbing small circles along his tailbone.

Buck moaned through the kiss, Eddie's touch was more powerful than he ever could have imagined. His very touch made him weak in the knees but left him craving more. Buck removed the blanket that covered half of them and got on top of Eddie, straddling him.

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