Chapter 4: The Realization

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Athena Grant worked a full 12 hour work day, she is one of the best police officers LA has ever seen. On top of that, she a mother of two, three if you count Buck, and is wife of Captain Bobby Nash.

After a long day of justice and putting well over 13 criminals in prison, and dealing with a 20-floor building burning to the ground, Athena was headed over to The Tavern to join her husband and his team for a celebration of the day.

Athena pulled up to the bar, still in her cruiser and uniform as she had not had enough time to drive across the city to change. She stepped out of the cruiser out into the crisp air of the night. Fall was among us so it was starting to get chilly. Athena made her way over to the entrance of the bar but not before she heard strange noises coming from the alleyway beside The Tavern.

Athena, being the person she is, can't just walk away from something without inspecting it first. That's the police officer in her. Upon closer inspection, she notices two large men who appear to be assaulting another individual.

Athena knows when she can't go into a situation alone, she knows her strength and when to call for help. Athena quietly runs over to her cruiser, hoping onto the channel that her co-workers use.

"This is Officer Grant, I have a 240 situation over by Maple drive between the alleyway of The Tavern. Two large suspects appear to be assaulting another individual. I need backup at the end of the alleyway on Thorne Ave, I am on the other end, over" Athena radios in.

"Backup is right around the corner. ETA is 1 minute, over" the dispatch woman replied.

"Copy that." Athena responded.

Athena got in her cruiser, waiting for the perfect time to block the suspects in. She can hear the cries coming from the victim and it makes her stomach turn in anger. She hates that she can't just run in there and save that victim.

Athena see's the fellow officers block of the one end of the alleyway while she blocked off the other end. She hopped out of her cruiser with her gun pointing at the suspects.

"THIS IS LAPD, PUT YOUR HANDS ABOVE YOUR HEAD NOW!" Athena screams towards the two men.

Both men try running in the other direction, only to be stopped by the other officers.

"I SAID PUT YOUR HANDS ABOVE YOUR HEAD NOW!" Athena once again yells.

Trapped with no escape, both men comply with the officers and put their hands on their head. Athena runs up behind them while the other officers stay with their weapons pointed. She cuffs both men and pushes them into the other officers cruisers, reading them their amendment rights.

"You both make me sick and the law will give you what you deserve." Athena scoffed towards the men, now locked up in the cruiser.

"Take them away, boys. I'll wait here with the victim till the ambulance arrives" Athena told the other officers.

She walks towards the victim, now taking in just how injured the victim was. She notices that it is a young male, late 20's, early 30's with blood stained blond hair. He was practically naked as his clothing were tore up beside him. She feels sick to her stomach knowing that this is a a sexual assault case.

He laid there, face down in the pavement, trying so hard to try and find the strength to push himself up but he keep falling in and out of consciousness. The situation before Athena breaks her heart.

"Young man, my name is Athena Grant, I am a police officer of the LAPD, you are safe now. The ambulance is on the way, don't push yourself too hard" Athena pleaded.

Buck lays there, groaning from all the pain he was in. Did he just hear Athena? He can't quite know what's happening around him but he knows what just happened to him. He's shaking in agony. He knows he can't just lay here, face in the pavement. He takes all the strength he has left and flips himself over, now exposing his front side towards the sky.

Athena gasps at how bad the injuries were. He was purple from the bruises that covered his abdomen, his neck also bruised in the shape of a handprint, and his face was covered in so much blood that he was barely recognizable. Athena took in every detail she could, and when she noticed the birthmark over his eye, that's when it all hit her.

It was Buck.

"B-Buck?!" Athena cried out, kneeling down to the boy.

Buck knew the voice was familiar, but he still could not get a grasp on his consciousness. He knew it was Athena but did she also hate him? Did she feel the same way his team feels? All he could do was groan in pain.

"Buck baby, stay with me! The ambulance is pulling up now my boy" Athena cried out.

The ambulance pulled up just as she said that, Paramedics rushing out towards the man, stretcher in hand.

"Please get him to the hospital quick! His injuries are severe from the blood thinners he takes and we are dealing with a sexual assault victim so be gentle, I will follow with my cruiser" Athena told the paramedics.

They successfully got Buck onto the stretcher, being gentle with every move, loading him into the ambulance and driving quickly towards St. Mary's Hospital.

Athena ran over to her cruiser, tears falling like a waterfall, buckling herself in, turning on her sirens and whipping out of the parking lot faster than one could blink. The drive to the hospital was overwhelming.

Her boy was just raped.. her sweet innocent boy was beaten to an inch of his life. She feels like she can't breathe.

"oh buck, my sweet sweet Buck" Athena cried out just as she reached the hospital.

Athena whipped her cruiser into a parking spot, taking a moment to collect herself before walking into the hospital.

"Hi there! Can I help you with anything?" The receptionist asks Athena.

"I'm here for for Evan Buckley, he just arrived moments ago. Can I get any updates as soon as possible?" Athena asks.

"Absolutely, I see here that you are listed as an emergency contact as well as a Bobby Nash and an Eddie Diaz. Would you like us to contact them as well?" The receptionist asks.

"No thank you, I'll handle that part" Athena responded.

Athena makes her way to the waiting room, dreading having to tell her husband that their son just went through the worst possible thing anyone could go through. She knows that Buck is a fighter but that poor boy just went through the worst few months, fighting his way back, only to have this happen.

Athena can't help but feel tears build up in her eyes again.

How is she gunna tell bobby?

How is she gunna tell Eddie?

Does Buck even want them to know?

She has to respect whatever choice buck decides.

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