Chapter 28

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Locust had learned that word in one of his classes at PDS. The word was taught by Professor Pitaya, who he missed much more than he would like to admit. Her boring lessons about history and language sounded like heaven compared to this.

It's pronounced dis-con-so-late. Meaning: without comfort; unhappy. Synonym of the word hopeless.

It was the best word he could use to describe his current situation. He had been in his prison hut for days, not being able to hear much of what was going on outside other than idle chatter. There was a severe lack of flamesilk in the hut, so it was always dim and uncomfortable, and the gloomy atmosphere was enhanced by the mocking Deepwings outside, sounding more loyal to Stomiidae than ever.

The only thing Locust could confirm for sure was that Queen Humpback was in the hut next to him, since nearly everyday she would make some sort of racket, screaming "I am your queen!" and "Let me out or it's the guillotine for you!". Even through her threats to her former subjects, Locust still felt bad for her.

Suddenly the socializing from outside hushed, and wingbeats flew towards the prisoners' huts. Locust felt bile build up in his throat as he realized who it was. However, Stomiidae didn't land into Locust's hut, instead he went right next door.

"You." Queen Humpback snarled as the dragonet landed inside.

"Good evening, your former highness." Stomiidae chuckled.

"Ha!" The Queen laughed hysterically, and a bunch of shuffling was heard afterwards, hinting she must be struggling against the wingbands. "As long as I'm still alive I'm still Queen!"

"Actually I believe in the contrary," Stomiidae's voice was level, but his words were sharp enough to cut glass. "Since your entire tribe now answers to me, you and Sawtail are nothing but civilians now."

There was silence for a moment.

"That is impossible!" Humpback shouted, shaking the entire hut, and making Locust nearly jump out of his scales.

"It is very possible." the dragonet bragged. "This nose ring I'm wearing has the power to have any Deepwing or Nightwing I see obey me without question."

That nose ring. Locust had only seen Stomiidae from a distance, but one of his most striking features was the hideous gold jewelry he always wore. Maybe each piece has some sort of spell attached to it.

"Then why am I not kissing your tail?" Humpback asked, slightly disbelieving.

Stomiidae chuckled again, the sound making Locust want to dig himself into a hole. "Why would I bless you with blissful ignorance when I can make you suffer knowing you've just lost your entire tribe?"

More silence, but Locust could practically taste the fear in the air. That's horrible.

"W-what did you do with Sawtail?" The ex-queen eventually whimpered.

Locust didn't even need to see Stomiidae's grin at the question. "Your sister is somewhere you will never... ever reach."

"But..." Humpback couldn't seem to think of a reply, and Locust's heart broke for her. I didn't know the Deepwing queens were sisters.

"With the power I have now, I can take over the Seawings and the Nightwings," Stomiidae continued, his tone getting louder and louder. "And once I have them, we can wipe out every tribe and human one by one, until only the strongest dragons remain!"

"You can't!" Humpback wailed. "That's unfeasible! Even if you could take an entire tribe, you cannot take an entire world without magic." She paused to take a breath, undoubtedly through tears. "And if I recall, you no longer have your animus slave!"

Stomiidae was quiet for a moment, then he made a long, angry hissing noise at the former queen.

"Tetra is useless to me now." Stomiidae spat, certainly making Humpback cower. "I'll never have to rely on another dragon again. All I need is a worthy subject to become my animus vessel, and I'll have all the magic I'll ever need."

There's no way. Tetra's power was the only reason he's gotten this far. Locust's head began to spin as he tried to think about what he could possess now. His entire goal was getting Tetra under his control. Where did he get an ultimate weapon?

No, there's absolutely no way. Locust rubbed his tired eyes. He's totally just bluffing. He's just trying to scare Queen Humpback.

"My, my. Did I confuse you, Locust?" the dragonet snapped his eyes open.

And he was face to face with Stomiidae for the first time.

"Get away from me!" Locust yelped and retreated further back into his hut.

"It's only natural you wouldn't understand my power." Stomiidae didn't flinch at Locust's outburst, merely only coming inside to taunt him. His mind-reading scale glittering menacingly in the low light made Locust swallow nervously. You won't win! He thought as loud as he could, but it only made Stomiidae laugh.

"What do you have that I don't, then?" Stomiidae challenged. "You seem to be very confident for a dragon with wing bands."

"The Seedwings." Locust blurted out as confidently as he could. "You'll never find their camp, and they'll fight you!"

"The Seedwings..." Stomiidae repeated, subtly rolling his eyes. "Their hidden camp won't hide them for much longer. My new magic will find them." he explained, reaching into his neck pouch and pulling out a pill.


"My enchanted object." Stomiidae finished his thought with another slimy grin. "The dragon that swallows it will not only be loyal to me, but will also become animus. It will dissolve in their body... and their magic will not be able to be taken away."


"So they'll find the Seedwings... kill all of them..."

Even Emerald?

"That's what 'all' means." Stomiidae tucked the pill back into his pouch. "And your city Possibility? Will be wiped out, just like the Scorching. And there's nothing you can do about it."

Locust suddenly lunged at Stomiidae, talons extended and aimed at his throat, but he was yanked backwards by the chain that was attached to the wingbands, narrowly missing the Deepwing's scales. "You monster!"

Stomiidae wasn't phased. Instead he turned his back to Locust. "And by the way," he glanced back to bore into Locust's eyes. "You are no longer part of a prophecy. You... are meaningless."

Locust roared in anguish as Stomiidae took off into the night, not looking back at him again.

No! He's lying!

Surely I still have a purpose? Surely I've had to come all this way for a reason!

Locust cried into the ceiling, hoping that the three moons could hear him.

I won't let him get to me. I have to be strong!

For Emerald. For Fern. For Cobia, Tetra, Piranha, and Humpback.

For the world!

I will fight!

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