Chapter 18

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Piranha was quickly briefed on the plan as dragons began to wake up and got ready to go. The dragons that weren't Rainwings got to carry the supplies, since the pebbles would hide them and everything that was touching them. They didn't need much supplies though, since they were to arrive at the Rainforest Kingdom that same day, which would have everything they would need.

Commander Orchid put Piranha on the front lines, which excited him, but also made him terrified. He understood though, since Orchid always liked to stay in the back to protect the weaker members of the tribe.

Pantalan Rainwings were extremely skilled in camouflage, so there was no need for them to carry pebbles as well, since they seemed practically invisible anyway. A few young dragonets would carry pebbles since their skills haven't developed yet, but they were hidden well by the adults.

All dragons got into their flying positions, as Commander Orchid scanned the group for one final check before nodding to Tetra and Piranha to take off. Tetra had the knowledge of knowing where the Deepwing Palace was, so she was to accompany Piranha at the front. She smiled at the Commander, spread her wings and took off. One by one dragons followed her, and soon everyone was in the sky.

Everyone flew in silence, focused on the task ahead, though Tetra was usually confident, her face was skewed in worry.

"What's wrong?" Piranha asked her, careful to keep his voice quiet enough so the dragons behind them couldn't hear. No use worrying someone of danger at this point.

"I sense a vision is about to happen," she replied, and she took deep, but quiet breaths. "Something isn't going according to plan. This may be more dangerous than we thought."

"What do you mean?" Piranha pressed, starting to feel even more anxious.

Suddenly, Tetra's eyes widened, and her wings stopped beating. Piranha quickly got under her as she glided, clearly having a daydream vision. He supported her for a long while, trying to assure the dragons behind him that Tetra was just checking for the right path. Finally, Tetra gasped and blinked a few times, and began flying again.

Piranha repositioned himself so he was flying next to her. Tetra gave him a terrified glance, and mouthed; "Stomiidae is at the palace."

The young rainwing's heart dropped. How? Does he know that we're coming? He wondered, and Tetra shook her head. Oh yeah, you can read minds. He kicked himself, and despite the situation, Tetra cracked a small smile.

"We should be okay, since we're well hidden." She said, and thought for a moment. "Keep going straight, I'm going to tell the Commander." Piranha nodded, and she steered away to fly towards the back.

Piranha kept his eyes ahead of him, trying not to overcome with worry. He trusted Tetra, but he didn't trust Stomiidae.

Tetra arrived a few moments later, looking relieved. "The Commander said we shouldn't stop now, since we're more than halfway there. She's confident in our abilities to stay hidden."

"Why is he at the palace now?" He couldn't help himself from asking.

"He's discovered the Seedwings are still in the jungle, so he's going to get more dragons so he can fight them." Tetra explained, swerving a little bit to change the direction. "Don't be too concerned for the Seedwings, he doesn't stand a chance at even finding their camp."

"Does Emerald know?" Piranha pressed, worrying about their new friends. Tetra regretfully shook her head again. "I don't want to worry her right now."

Piranha wasn't sure if he agreed with that logic, but there wasn't time to argue now. The Deepwing palace appeared over the horizon. The bright plains were interrupted by a dark palace made of different types of sharp, dark sea stone. As the group got closer, Piranha noticed the palace was decorated in different types of sparkling coral of varying colors. Busy dragon silhouettes were seen in the distance, and Piranha felt his scales instinctively turn him invisible. He looked back and saw his tribe do the same.

The group approached the palace entrance gate, and they saw Stomiidae. He was surrounded by loads of dragons, and it looked like he was giving a speech of some sort.

"It's bad that he's here, but it's good that he's attracting most of the dragons, so we can just slip by." Tetra whispered, and led the group right over the entrance gate, above the crowd, and Piranha's stomach flipped.

Tetra landed lightly on the other side of the gate and waited for everyone to land after her. She didn't say anything, but instead motioned her talons for everyone to move.

We're in! Piranha's talons tingled with anticipation. The tribe's scales were changed and the pebble dragons were near the back, but Piranha stopped cold as a Deepwing walking by curiously looked in their direction. The group stopped and held their breath, and he kept walking.

That was close. Piranha felt himself sweating as the group continued to move through the palace silently. They passed several dragons on the way to the center, but no one else stopped to look at them. We're going to make it!

The tribe was moving swiftly through the halls, and things were going well, until Piranha heard Tetra gasp and the sound of a pebble falling onto the ground. He whirled around to see she was face to face with Stomiidae.

"Tetra!" Stomiidae exclaimed, and hugged her. "I'm so glad I found you!"

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