Chapter 27

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Piranha had no idea how long he was in his prison, but by the way he watched the light in the hut get brighter then dimmer, he guessed it was at least a couple of days. He was starving, and the guards didn't feel like feeding them their full share. He overheard that they were instructed to give them the full portion of fruit and prey, though they just laughed, making Piranha's stomach growl in anger and hunger.

He paced back and forth in his tiny den, growling to himself. He did feel a small bit of satisfaction that they hadn't found the Seedwing camp yet, which says that Emerald didn't reveal the location to them. But the longer she doesn't say anything, the more danger she is in. The thought was agonizing. As the days went by, he started to become less and less sure of her status. Is she still alive? Is she alright?

And Tetra. He hadn't seen her since he was captured, and he was starting to think that she wasn't there at all. He hadn't heard anyone talk about her, and he was starting to lose hope. Oh tetra... I'm so sorry...

Piranha's ears pricked as he heard footsteps approach his prison. Though his heart sank as he saw the icewing nightwing hybrid from a few days ago enter. He's the one who trapped us! He tricked Cobia, and made us get captured! Piranha felt his scales turned red as he saw his face, and unhinged his jaw into a threatening hiss.

"Whoa, easy!" he whispered, holding up his talons. "I'm here to help you, I promise."

Piranha sat back on his haunches and narrowed his eyes. "You? You're the one who tricked us!"

The dragon shook his head, frantic. "No I didn't! I had no idea they were coming. I had only just gotten here." he explained. "I'm really sorry they trapped you, but I'm here to tell you I have an idea to help you, Emerald, and Tetra escape."

Piranha was too stunned to reply, so he continued. "I'm Obsidian, and I would save the rest of your friends too, but that would be way too suspicious. You guys are going to have to escape a few at a time."

"Tetra and Emerald... they're alive?"

Obsidian nodded. "Yes but they're both gonna starve if we don't escape. Please, you have to trust me."

Piranha felt his frills flare in rage. Stomiidae is starving them to get information... well he's not going to get anything out of them, or me!

"Fine. What's the plan?"


Night fell in the jungle, making Piranha's hut pitch black once again. The guards seemed to have intentionally skipped giving him his food for the day, so he was extra irritated and impatient.

If Obsidian doesn't show up soon... Stomiidae is gonna have to find a new servant.

Piranha jumped up at the sound of wingbeats outside of his hut, and sure enough, Obsidian emerged with Emerald right behind him. He gasped at the sight of her.

Normally, her bright green wing swirls glowed whenever light hit them, but they were completely dull. You could see her ribs, and she had burn marks on her wrists. Her eyes though, were full of life and determination as she started to untie Piranha's restraints.

"Sorry I took so long, but everything should be fine as long as we hurry." Obsidian said, reaching into his neck pouch, and pulling out a slightly smaller neck pouch. He handed it to Piranha, who took it tenitavely. He opened it and inside he saw his dart gun and dart supply. "I hope that's all you had in there, I couldn't find anything else."

Piranha nodded, suddenly feeling bad for the way he thought about Obsidian. He really is helping us...

"There, you're free!" Emerald whispered, and Piranha spread his wings for the first time in days. They were cramped, but it felt amazing to finally be able to at least stretch them.

Obsidian sighed with relief. "Alright, let's go get Tetra and get out of here." he said, and turned around to leave the hut, but was stopped by a burst of flame coming through the door. Obsidian yelped and jumped back into Piranha and Emerald, knocking them both over. Piranha opened his eyes and saw a large, smug looking deepwing enter the hut.

"Urchin! What are you doing?" Obsidian growled, standing up to let Piranha and Emerald move.

"I should be asking you that," Urchin laughed. He had a terrifying, brand new looking scar across his neck. It looked like it was healing badly, and you could hear it in his voice that it was hard for him to speak. There was smoke coming from his mouth, and Piranha put together that he was the one who spit fire at Obsidian.

"Helping the prisoners escape?" the deepwing coughed in pain, and shook slightly. "Stomiidae will trust me again if I stop you!" Urchin opened his mouth, and the back of his throat glowed orange and red. Piranha's eyes widened, and Obsidian had nowhere to dodge. He's gonna get burned alive!

Right before Urchin spit fire, Piranha jumped in front of Obsidian and unhinged his jaw, and shot black venom, right into Urchin's mouth and into his throat.

Immediately Urchin wretched and gagged, trying to get the unknown substance out of his throat. The dragonets watched in horror as a sizzling sound was heard from Urchin.

The deepwing's eyes widened in terror and agony, as the venom gurgled in his throat, melting him from the inside. Piranha looked down as Urchin's knees started to buckle, and saw the venom seeping out from inside his scars.

Urchin reached out his talon to Obsidian, who backed away to avoid getting venom on himself. He collapsed on the ground, and writhed there for a few long, agonizing moments, until stopping completely.

The dragonets didn't move for a long time, staring at Urchin's now lifeless body. Piranha felt guilty and relieved at the same time. Obsidian's ears were pricked. "I don't think anybody heard that... but we better hurry just in case."

Obsidian led Piranha and Emerald out of the hut, stepping over Urchin's body. Sorry, but I had to... Piranha thought as they versed from the hut, and flew quickly across the camp and into another, larger, but dingey hut.

"Tetra! Wake up, we're here." Obsidian whispered, and Piranha heard Tetra stir. "Obsidian..?"

Piranha pushed Obsidian to the side at the sound of her voice, and saw her in a state that he wouldn't wish upon Stomiidae. She was tied up, and extremely skinny. She was covered in scratches and burn marks, and it looked like she could barely open her eyes, let alone lift her head. Her eyes twinkled slightly when she saw Piranha.

"Oh Tetra, you're alive!" Piranha moved over to let Emerald in to untie Tetra's restraints. "Tetra... we're gonna get you out of here, stay strong!"

"No... Piranha leave..." Tetra whispered, making Piranha get very close to her face to hear her. "Leave me... save yourself..."

Piranha's scales turned red and pink. "How dare you! I'm not leaving you again." he growled, holding her face gently in his talons. "Our future says we're going to be together, or did you forget that?"

"But... you need to save the world Piranha..." Tetra whispered, tears streaming down her face.

"I'm not doing it without you. I love you Tetra, and I would rather die than leave you here!"

Tetra put her talon on Piranha wrists, and smiled up at him. He heard her restraints hit the ground. She was free. "Okay... lead on."

"Hey! The rainwing escaped!" a voice shouted from across the camp, making all the dragonets jump. "Hurry!" Obsidian hissed, and stepped aside to reveal a secret entrance hole. "Climb in here and run away as far as you can. I'll save your friends in a couple days, don't worry."

Emerald and Piranha got underneath Tetra's wings and lifted her up. They guided her to the hole, and Emerald wiggled inside, and Tetra followed behind.

Piranha was able to enter, but paused and looked back at Obsidian. "Hey, thanks. I hope you'll be alright."

Obsidian blinked, and nodded awkwardly. "I'll be fine. It's no problem, now go!"

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