Chapter 3

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Piranha forced himself to sit up straight, keep his eyes open, stay focused.

But it was hard with the bloodsucking flies circling his face for the past few hours. At first he tried to swat at them, but these bugs evolved to stop at nothing for a snack, so eventually he was forced to give up and deal with it.

He hated it in the Poison Jungle. It wasn't just the bugs that would try to get a bite of dragon. He also hated the carnivorous plants. He hated how he had to save a tribe member from one of the hungry plants every day. He hated the vines that would try to suffocate you if you got too close. He hated how sticky the sap from the trees were, and how if you get stuck you'd be there forever.

Piranha would rather be in any other place, like Pyrrhia.

He'd never been there, but the by the books he reads it seemed like an amazing area to live. The Rainwings there had a jungle similar to this one, but it wasn't bloodthirsty. It was peaceful, with no bloodsucking bugs and dangerous plants. The sun wasn't covered by the canopy. All of the fruit were edible, and they even got to keep most of the animals as pets and humans as friends!

There is a simple way to get to Pyrrhia from Pantala. On the south side of the continent there was a stone enchanted by a Seawing queen. If you touch it, you would be transported instantly to the other side of the world. Then it was only a days flight to the Rainforest Kingdom. It sounded like a dream come true.

Of course, he couldn't just go alone. He didn't want to leave his tribe to succumb to the inevitable death by plant. He wanted them to come with him, make a new territory in a friendlier place.

And maybe meet a different type of dragon.

"Piranha!" he was startled out of his thoughts by the sound of his name. He turned around and didn't see anything but jungle, but he knew who it was. Then a slightly larger dragon changed her scales to become a dark, but visible, purple and green. Nightgrown Ivy (or just Night for short), padded towards him, looking irritated.

"You just missed a great piece of prey!" she snapped, stopping in front of him. "You have to stop being in your head all the time. How will you pass the hunters assessment if you're constantly spacing out?"

"Sorry," Piranha grumbled, glancing behind him where he saw a black saber tooth panther disappear from view. That must have been the prey he missed. His frills drooped.

Night sighed and took out one of her spears and began to polish it. "I can tell you're thinking about Pyrrhia again," he commented, shooting a glance Piranha's way.

"I know, I know. I promise I'll stop this time." he pulled out a dart for his blow gun. He aimed, and shot at a frog that was on a tree, killing it instantly. He picked up the frog and handed it to his sister.

She took the frog and popped it in her mouth, and continued to polish. "No," she said between chewing. "For once, I actually think you were right to be thinking about it again."

"How come?" Piranha asked, pulling out a banana from one of his pockets, peeling it. 

Night swallowed and laughed, putting her spear away. "Because a dragon arrived a little over an hour ago that I think you'd like to see."

Piranha dropped his banana and stared at his sister. "What?" he yelped, immediately forgetting the banana and began racing through the jungle back to the village. Night chuckled and slowly  followed after him in amusement.

The Rainwing dragonet dodged skillfully through the jungle, ignoring the growling and snapping of the hungry plant life. He had to see what his sister was talking about. He ran right through a wall of vines and burst into a dirt clearing. He even almost ran into another Rainwing, who yelled "HALT.". Piranha stopped in his tracks and looked up, noticing the dragon who spoke was none other than Commander Orchid.

Orchid's scales were a pretty, almost iridescent pink and yellow, with unusually long green spines that ended at a point on her tail. She was one of the most intimidating Rainwings in the world (in Piranha's opinion). "Sorry," Piranha squeaked, staring up at his leader. Orchid just rolled her eyes.

"I was wondering when Night was going to go and get you," she said, peering past Piranha to see Night emerge from the vines, a smirk on her face. "You were waiting for the right moment, weren't you?"

"Oh yeah, definitely." Night respecfully dipped her head at the Commander. "But I didn't tell him that the dragon was here to meet him specifically."

"Me?" Piranha felt another burst of excitement, giving his sister the best puppy-dog eyes he could manage. "Where are they?"

Orchid couldn't help but smile a little at the dragonet's happiness. "She's in the guest den, I'm glad we finally get to use it. It's been about 20 years I think." she said, motioning towards a small hut with a sign that said "GUESTS".

Piranha bowed to the Commander and bolted towards the hut, the scales on his talons turning a bright yellow. He stopped in front of the door and knocked softly. "Come in," he heard from inside.

He took a deep breath and opened the door slowly, where his jaw nearly dropped to the floor. The dragon was a beautiful turquoise blue, with a light blue underbelly. She had interesting spine membranes on her back and webbed talons. She also had pink markings, which glowed in the soft darkness of the den. The dragon was laying down, a large leaf with healing poultice wrapped around the tip of her tail. She looked up at Piranha, and her eyes instantly filled with light.

"You must be Piranha," she said, beginning to get into a sitting position. Despite the hope in her eyes, she looked exhausted. Her eyes were surrounded with notable bags, and she seemingly hasn't slept for days.

"T-that's me!" he said, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. He felt comfortable doing so, since her scales lit up the small room just enough.

"I know, I'm so glad I found you." she grinned as she continued. "My name is Tetra. It's wonderful to meet you."

Tetra. Piranha swooned. What a pretty name. "You too..."

Tetra blinked slowly and nodded. "You're probably wondering why I'm here, and I'm afraid it isn't good news." Tetra said, her smile fading. "I need your help,"

Piranha's shining moment disappeared along with that smile, and his stomach dropped. "What's happening?"

"You see, I need your tribe to leave here, soon," she looked around, anxious she would be overheard. "If you don't leave, you could all die."

"What are you talking about?" Piranha's mind began to whirl. "How do you know that?"

"I will explain that later, for now, you need to trust me." Tetra closed her eyes and rubbed her temples with her talons. It looked like she was suffering from a wicked headache. "I need you to help me convince your tribe to move, temporarily."

"Move?" Piranha echoed, his breaths coming out short and sporadic. "Move where?" Piranha whispered, becoming more eager to help.

Tetra opened her eyes and looked straight back at Piranha.

"You need to move to Pyrrhia."

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