She's as She

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'Right you little shit I have work to do if you don't want more beatings tomorrow get out,' my father yelled I didn't need to be told twice. I looked at my leg, ugh this would be annoying. The ribs the tailbone I can ignore but a broken leg. Makes a getaway hard, plus if I fight crime with this boot on it's possible my identity would be found out. I also couldn't climb up my tree which means unfortunately I have to teleport. I looked at my boot, then took it off standing up and jumping. Dumb yes but, I'll be fine it's just a little pain. I splinted my leg with a branch from outside the treehouse the proceeded to strap it. I'm not entirely an idiot. I then realised that I couldn't put my suit on like that. So I took it off. Suit, splint then sweatpants, clever, now it's go time.

I knew the Avengers had a meeting planned soon from my research, this would bring unwanted attention to myself but, HYDRA needs to go down and I have info that can help. I didn't want to walk I really shouldn't be either, so I guess I have started using my teleportation. Funny my Father thinks that's my only valid skill. I still constantly wish I didn't have it though it brings back so much trauma. I was sat watching the avengers with my arrow ready for the shot. I waited for the right moment then finally released. If I was using my brains I would get out of there but I wanted to see their reactions. So I stayed.

Tony (and Avengers) POV's

An arrow flew into our meeting room putting a hole in my window it was smooth though. Fury picked up the note and read it.

'Ok, I didn't think this 'the Hood' person was much but they clearly have more potential than I thought, I spent a while trying to get my agents to catch them, but then they went missing, whatever is on the drive is probably what they deemed important to be doing instead, I will check it out, meanwhile I want you guys to catch them.' Fury explained to the team.

Harvey's POV
Their meeting seemed boring so I decided that I would initiate one of my plans. I only planned to take down the smaller bases the others too big too infiltrate at least without help. Time to go. I've got my equipment a plan and I know exactly where the bombs they hide in this place are. It's go time. I can't teleport to somewhere I can't visualise unfortunately, I have to see at least a photo. So I can get myself to the HYDRA base but the rest is up to my skills. Simple get in set off bomb teleport out boom HYDRA base gone. First things first though, I know they have prisoners or experiments that I have got to save. This base I believe only has one . I find the underground entrance and sneak past everyone, knock guy one out, guy two, guy three you get the gist. Eventually I get to the cells and help them escape it's a miracle the alarms haven't set off yet. Once I am sure all the cells are empty I head to the bombs. I feel bad if their are any experiments currently getting experimented on but, I set of a bomb 3 seconds. Set off and teleport out. That was fun, those HYDRA guards and leaders got what they deserved.

I want to destroy them all destroy HYDRA. I phone S.H.I.E.L.D knowing full well that they can't track me before telling them, that there is some innocent people who need help after being freed from the HYDRA base. I farewell the people knowing they probably don't know English. I then go teleport myself back to New York feeling accomplished with myself finally, I don't completely hate life. I wish I could see Fury's reaction when he finds out I took down a HYDRA base single handed. It's now morning of my first day of school holidays great.

Today's game plan, put my boot back on, stupid painful broken leg. Sleep. Go home and get punished. I haven't eaten in like a day too, I probably should. For a little superhero from Queens I sure am doing well. Soon enough I find myself asleep despite the broad daylight.

Avengers POV

'We have to find 'The Hood' what do we know,' Fury yelled in frustration.

'Sir, we could ask the kid he has spent a lot of time with them fighting crime, I mean it's been a while but he could help,' Tony suggested.

'Alright, Tony get the kid here,' Fury said hopefully. Soon enough Peter was at the tower in the meeting room.

'Hi, uh, uh sir what would you like to know,' Peter said awkwardly.

'What do you know about 'the Hood' we're trying to track them down?' Fury asked the boy.

'She's, under 4 foot well she was four months ago at least, and she likes Star Wars too,' Peter said.

'Anything else?' He questioned.

'No, sorry sir, she didn't like saying much,' Peter said nervously.

'Well thank you kid, you actually helped quite a bit, we didn't know her gender or anything before,' Fury says before dismissing Peter.

'Well, so what we know is it's a female under 4'0 who most likely lives in Queens, so that's a starting point, we need to work out where she making her next move, I currently have some people working on hacking into her phone which is proving more difficult than expected,' Fury Said dismissing everyone else.

Harvey's POV
I eventually returned to my house, received my punishment for not being good enough, for doing I don't know what wrong but it doesn't matter. I ended up staying at home that night I didn't have the energy to move.

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