Bad Behaviour

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We got to the car and got in Bucky hadn't spoken since we left.

'Detentions, behavioural slips, grades slipping anything else I should know?' Bucky finally said something.

'Uh, if I get held back I'll lose my scholarship.' I said looking out the window.

I've always had pretty bad behaviour at school, but since my suspension I stopped caring, my behaviour got so much worse I just stopped caring. I am not going to tell Bucky that though.

'So getting suspended wasn't a one time thing huh.' Bucky said.

'It was my first suspension at midtown.' I replied gruffly.

'Why are you so calm I thought you would be furious?' I asked less angrily.

'I am but I learned to control my anger, being angry all the time doesn't work out well.' He said looking at me.

'I'm not angry all the time.' I yelled.

'You literally just proved my point.'

'Fuck off.' I replied pissed off.

'Don't swear young lady. That reminds me, you are going on military schedule until you improve your behaviour.' He told me.

'One I don't know what that is, two I don't care, when have I listened to you?' I asked rhetorically. I'm not going to listen to him make no mistake about that. I'm sick of all their rules, I just want to go back to having all the freedom in the world, no one noticing when I am doing something wrong. No one caring. I don't want to do any of this. Fuck fixing fucking behaviour, I think I should get worse. Just see what happens.

'One you will listen to me. Two, Military schedule, awake at 5:30, training, breakfast then school, get home and do homework, bed by 8:30.' Bucky said I rolled my eyes at him before completely processing his statement.

'8:30, I'm 13 come on.' I complained realising what he said this was said pretty calmly only because I was trying to get my way, easier.

'Alright, 7:30 then you probably need ten hours of sleep anyway.' Bucky said as I fumed up.

'There is no way I'm going to bed at 7:30.' I said angrily glaring at Bucky.

'you don't have a choice.' Bucky said parking the car.

'why do you care so much?' I asked now full on yelling pissed despite knowing I was a hundred percent just going to ignore this 'punishment' like I do with all the others.

'Because I care about you Harvey, because I want you to do well.' Bucky said and I didn't say anything more just got out of the car I didn't really care for his statement I don't believe anything these stupid Avengers say. Why couldn't they just have left me alone. Why did I decide to tell them anything.

I want to believe him I do but I can't, I can't believe anyone actually cares. I can't trust him, can't let my wall down. They just want to break me like everyone else.

'Just, just leave me alone Bucky.' I yelled slamming the car door crossing my arms and walking through the door, glaring at anyone who looked my way. I entered my bedroom and locked my door angrily sitting on my bed. Why didn't anyone get the hint I just want my old life back, I hate Bucky, I hate the Avengers. I heard a soft knock on my door.

'Go away.' I complained at the door.

'Doll please,' It's Bucky, of course it's Bucky.

'Piss off, I'm going to sleep.' I said turning off the light now too. I waited to hear Bucky leave before climbing out my window. I climb up to the roof with a blanket laying down to star gaze. Maybe I do trust Bucky, but I don't want too. I can't fall into that trap. Expect the worst then you don't get broken or disappointed. I end up falling asleep on the roof.
I wake up, nightmares unsurprisingly it's dark out still. I don't know why but for some reason I feel calm at peace, not angry. I don't like being here but since they know where my home is now, I'm stuck. I'm too afraid of Hydra to go find a new place right now. I sit up not wanting to go back to sleep.

No fuck this, I am bored who cares if I'm grounded, I need to bust someone's head in.

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