"Don't Overdo It"

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I wake up in my room and looking up I see Bucky in a chair clearly waiting for me to wake up. I roll my eyes and then close them.

'I saw that Harvey, get up please.' He said.

'Hmm, no thanks.' I replied.

'Don't make me make you.' He said.

'I'd like to see you try.' I replied tauntingly burying my head underneath the covers. I held the covers over me and felt Bucky trying to pull them off. Next thing I know I feel myself lifting up in the air holding onto the covers. I let go of the covers and starting to evil laugh at Bucky's reaction before seeing him catch me.

'Ow.' I mumbled before Bucky held me too his side in one arm and started walking down the hall.

'I can walk, Bucky.' I complained putting emphasis on his name.

'Right you can also run.' He said looking at me with a look saying so blatantly he doesn't trust me.

'Fuck you.' I stated angrily.

'Well fireball, don't let Steve hear you say that.' He said.

'Maybe I should teleport.' I stated glaring at Bucky.

'I feel if you didn't have something against teleporting you would have already done it.' Bucky said as he walked back into the kitchen.

'Shut up James.' I replied teasing pouting as he put me down in a chair.

'I will hold you down if I have to but you need to eat.' He said looking at me.

'Alright, Fine bossy.' I replied whining pissily. I shoved the food down my throat in record speed then stood up to leave.

'Oh uh Harvey we found your Dad by the way.' I heard Bucky say causing me to turn around.

'Ok, I am going to go out, I want to go get my stuff, I'll be safe I promise.' I say causally still not changing my angry tone just speaking more quietly before rolling my eyes and walking out. I go to my treehouse, I'm a little afraid of Hydra but knowing at the end of the day I can teleport somewhere . I want to let go for the night, I know where I need to go.

I arrive and immediately am greeted by Kenya.

'Harv, what are you doing here? I thought you were and I quote "done with this way of living."' Kenya questioned.

'Like you can talk, besides every now and again I mean a little drink, and pot ain't that bad, and a few shots aren't gonna kill me.' I reply.

'That bad huh hun,' Kenya says.

'You going to hit me up?' I ask.

'Yeah, ok just be careful alright, don't overdo it.' She says. I leave with two bottles of vodka and a little pot.' I take myself up to my favourite place to sit and watch the sky. I smoke the pot before drinking myself silly and realising I was on the run from Hydra and really shouldn't be here before passing out. I felt really weird like I had gone too far.

Peter's POV

I was on patrol when I decided to see if Harvey was around. I went to the rooftop that we usually meet on and see Harvey in what looks like a black version of her suit passed out next to an half empty Vodka bottle and drugs. Oh shit, I think before deciding I should get her to Avengers compound. I pick her up shocked at how light she is before swinging to the tower.

'Friday get help, it's Harvey.' I said laying her down on the sofa. I then continued to make sure she was breathing. You could smell the alcohol on her not to mention the fact she had drugs on her. I waited a little while before the room was entered by a worried looking Bucky, an annoyed Tony, a tired Clint and Natasha.

'I-I don't know what happened I just found her unconscious at our meeting spot. She's drunk and high I think there was an half-empty bottle of vodka next to her.' I said nervously.

'Oh my gosh, thank you Peter, you can go home now it's late,' Ms Natasha said as Bucky picked her up. I would have stayed around but I am a little afraid about her not being alright and would rather not be around her like this.

Harvey's POV
Beep Beep Beep.
What happened, where am I. Listen around dumbass. Avengers Lab. Why?
You don't remember wow, we clearly got found after our fun last night.

Oh shit. May as well get this over with. I open my eyes and feeling an IV in my arm aggressively pull it out. I throw the IV across the room and then go to storm out. I stand up and start walking out before seeing Bucky sneaking up on me pick me up.

'Where do you think your going young lady.' Bucky says putting me back on the bed.

'Preferably somewhere away from you nosey people.' I said glaring at him.

'Harvey you almost died, you overdosed, we have to talk.' He said clearly upset.

'Would that have been so bad I'm just a waste of space, you know what just leave me alone Bucky.' I replied before teleporting to my treehouse. I'm going off the radar.

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