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I wake up and the first thing I notice is the pain in my wrist the second I'm handcuffed in what looks like an interrogation room. I see Fury come in and look me up and down. If these people think I'm giving them answers they're dumb AF. I turn away looking at a mirror I wonder how many people are behind there as I keep and angry glare on.

'What's your name?' Fury asks I don't reply give him nothing, I am used to way worse than this.

'I said What's your name,' he yells I just glare at him.

'Look kid we can do this the easy or the hard way,' he says aggressively I just continue to silently glare at him as a lady comes in and hands him a file.

'Fine, your name is Harvey Lard, your Father is Randy Lard he is a single parent who works as a truck driver, your 3'11 and weighed 45lbs on your last hospital trip for a broken leg, 5 weeks ago. You are currently attending Midtown High. You turned 13 a month ago.' He finished getting no reaction whatsoever from me as I continued to glare.

'We can stay here as long as you want so I suggest you start talking,' he said before walking out. My Father is going to beat me senseless when I eventually get home. I see Romanoff come into the room.

'Look kid we don't want to hurt you just give us some answers and you can go,' I glared at her. Clearly they are using good cop bad cop method. What they don't realise is I have been picking the lock to these handcuffs and I got the one on my Non-injured one of I pulled off the other one and crossed my arms then wincing accidentally at my wrist. I then returned to my glare state watching Natasha look at me in shock. Then because I felt like it I death stared the mirror then flipped it off. Still not saying a thing.

Clint's POV

'That kid is not cracking,' Cap stated rolling his eyes as Sam chuckled at the kid who clearly knew we were there flipping us off.

'Clearly we need a new method,' Tony said who had really enjoyed watching Fury get shut down.

'She sure seems angry,' Bucky States.

'Why don't we try being more submissive show that we're not awful people,' Sam says as we all look at Cap.

'What?!' He asks.

'Gentle approach, definitely you Steve,' Bucky says pointing to the door as Natasha walks back in.

'You know I'd suggest truth serum but if kid won't say a word then it's pointless,' She said looking at us as Rogers entered the room.

'Hey Harvey, I'm Captain Rogers, but you can call me Steve,' He says as I continue my death glare I know they can't legally keep me here if I stay silent long enough they have to let me go.

'Ok let's start simple do you have a favourite colour, mines red or blue,' he stated looking at me kindly. I continued glaring now making full eye contact trying to psych him out.

'Ok, what about a favourite food, I like pizza,' ugh this guy is killing me.

Clint's POV

Steve got nowhere either and ended up going back into the room. We were stumped.

'Clint your good with kids want to see if you can do anything,' Natasha said.

'Alright fine I'll see what I can do,' I replied walking into the meeting room. I looked into Harvey's big blue eyes and saw anger, but behind that I can see that she's wincing.

'I'm only going to ask this once kid does something hurt?' I asked.

Harvey's POV

I slowly nodded and changed my expression to be completely numb.

'What hurts kid?' He asked me as I moved my arm and showed him my swelling wrist. Before returning my death stare back on.

'When you missed the jump,' he said with a look of realisation.

'Jarvis get Bruce in here,' Clint asked while I angrily looked down staring at my feet.
Bruce starts playing around with my wrist but I don't show any signs of pain.

'kid if you don't tell me what hurts we need to get this looked at more closely,' Bruce complained. Which gave me an idea.

Next thing I know I am getting taken out of the cell thank god while listening to Fury argue with Banner.

'What are you doing the kid should be in there still,' Fury yelled.

'She needs an X-ray Fury,' Bruce said calmly ignoring him as I followed him and Clint into a medical room.

He sits me down and starts doing the X-ray before saying,

'You know you wouldn't need an X-ray if you weren't so stubborn,' I just glared at him before watching him look at the screen.

'Ok so you have a hairline fracture,' he said as I stood up and began walking out. Stage 1 into action easy defiance.

'Where are you going?' He asked I ignored him and kept walking. I got stopped by Bucky.

'Move,' I state glaring at him. Stage 2 walk, talk and run.

'No, go and listen to what Bruce has to say,' he said pointing over to the bench I had been sat on. After getting over the initial shock of me talking.

'It's a hairline fracture, he can't do anything for it anyway and judging on about how long it takes for a sedation injection to wear off, I will be in massive trouble if I don't get home, so goodbye,' I said attempting to walk past him.

'Have you heard the saying RICE before?' Bruce asked.

'Yeah, rest, ice, compression, elevation,' I said.

'Exactly now come sit down and let me wrap your wrist,' he said.

'No thanks,' I said going around Bucky's legs before feeling myself getting picked up.

'Hey, hey put me down,' I protested turning my head and glaring at Bucky.

'You should have done as you were told,' he said putting me down in front of Bruce so he could wrap my wrist. Bruce wrapped my wrist and put it in a sling.

'Can I go now?' I asked death staring them all.

'Fine but, we're still not done kid, you didn't answer any questions so you will be returning tomorrow,' I heard Natasha say.

'Fine,' I agreed looks like I'm wagging school tomorrow. I left the tower and immediately took off the sling and began making my way home.

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