Back to New York

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Tonight was productive. Stopped a bank robbery and several mugging. I only now realise that I'm not angry at the world any more. My months alone and any problems I had I got over. I got what I wanted. Freedom. A life without consequences. I return home a 2am and go to sleep. I get to go back to school tomorrow.

I wake up late as I expected. Still easily enough time for me to get to school though. I have begun applying for jobs again. I get ready. Putting the hood over my head and slinging my bag over my shoulder before beginning the walk to school. I have eaten more than usual eating once a day instead of once every two-three days. I do in fact arrive at school on time. I have homeroom first. I don't know any of the kids but, I know most of the teachers. I'm just glad I don't have Mr Foster. After homeroom. I leave Finding my first class. I have Chemistry first today. For some reason we're doing a test who knows why. It was really easy although for some unknown reason people seemed to be struggling. God people are dumb. I missed this place. The day just flew by. I didn't even go to eat lunch. I didn't run into anyone I know so that's good. I'm very much so on the watch for everything. The next week continues on very similar. School. Home. Dinner. Patrol. Sleep. Repeat. It's good I enjoy the routine. Shadow is getting more publicity recently too. Which I'm not so sure that's a good thing. Not after last time. By the time it's Saturday I'm definitely ready for a day of nothing. Until Patrol of course. I honestly just end up sleeping the whole day. Sunday was likewise. I return back to the routine I now have on Monday. I sit in school bored. Genuinely asking myself why I decided I wanted to risk being found to be here.

"Miss Barnes, Miss Barnes. MISS Barnes." My teacher says pulling me out of my mind.

"Yes sorry Sir?" I ask.

"You're wanted at the office." He tells me. That one's followed by everyone whispering around wondering what I did. Well most people at least. Following with several people saying "oooh" as I leave the room. That genuinely a good question though. I haven't done anything bad why do they want me at the office. I enter the room looking clearly confused.

"Ah, Miss Barnes."

"Umm, may I ask why I'm here?" I question.

"Well, you have probably heard of Tony Stark."

Oh shit.

"Yes." I reply now worried.

"Well he is offering an internship to one senior this year. Based on the test you would've taken last week." He explains. Shit is right. I can't intern at Stark Tower but if I decline it'll be insanely suspicious.

"Well, you got the internship." He finished.

"Could you tell me what the internship will involve me doing?" I asked.

"I believe you will start off just delivering coffee." I will definitely draw more attention to myself if I decline then.

"When do I start?"

"This afternoon." He replied.  Of course. So here I am outside my previous home taking a massive risk. I walk in.

"Hi I'm here for the internship. Harper Barnes."

"Yeah right kid. Now get lost." The receptionist says. Oh come on why can't anything be easy.

"The high school seniors internship. I'm aware that I am short for the record I am definitely supposed to be here."

"Just look in the software." I tell the girl.

"Get. Lost." She replies.

"I came down here because I wanted to know why the new intern was late and see if they were here, just at reception." Mr Stark. Why'd it have to be Mr Stark.

"That is no way to treat a new Co-worker." He said handing me the badge with my name on.

"Now I want my coffee order." He said.

"Right, straight espresso." I thought out loud. Shit.

"Your new how do you know my coffee order."

"A guess, I suppose." I replied.

"Huh strange I feel like I know you." He says. Come on.

"Well I better get to coffee" I reply entering the elevator. No one recognised me on my first day. Mr Stark is scarily oblivious.

Two months have past in this routine. I asked Mrs Bellwether if she'd be my actual legal guardian. She said yes. I know she's old which means if she dies I will end up in the system. But my legal age means I have only got two years until that's not an issue. I have seen Mr Stark a few times since I started but honestly not often. He doesn't order coffee from me. That was just a first day one off thing. I plan on handing in my notice soon if anyone asks tell them I'm moving. I can't risk getting promoted to a position where I will have to submit work. I don't know how to do work badly. I begin walking home. I get to the house which is surrounded by police and ambulance.

"Are you Harper Barnes." An officer asks as I stand there just staring in complete shock.

"I-uh yes." I reply.

"Your Mrs Bellwether didn't make it hun." He said.

"I-I gotta go." I reply as I hear the cop yelling for me to come back. It's ten at night and I find myself sat on the windowsill of my old bedroom at Avengers Tower. I briefly look inside the room. Bucky. He looks really upset. Maybe he really did care. I mean I can't keep going to midtown or work under my current identity. It's been about five months since I left. Bucky still cares. I have no where else to go.

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