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I now have a massive cut across my face and the word worthless engraved in my back not to mention countless bruises. I tend to lock up my emotions not feel, I'm pretty good at keeping everything to myself. I phone Peter.

'Hey Pete, you going out on patrol tonight?' I ask now I know he's Spider-Man I really want to fight crime with him more.

'Uh yeah I'm patrolling now, but we can talk if you want,' he said.

'No I just wanted to see what you were doing,'

'ok,' he said.

'Ugh, anyway bye Pete See you soon,' oops didn't mean to say that I'm not seeing him soon. I get into my suit and splint my leg, stupid Father.

Anger, makes me want to fight even more. It used to be the only emotion I showed but then I got into midtown tech and met MJ and of course Peter and Ned. It doesn't stop the anger though I still can't fully trust anyone I am too afraid of what might happen. I don't even trust Petey.

I make my way out on patrol looking for Peter eventually I find him.

'Hey Spidey, you miss me,' I said.

'Hood nice to see you again,' he stated awkwardly.

'Hey we've discussed this you can call me H,' I said sternly watching him looking a little afraid. Funny that he thinks I would ever do anything to hurt him.

'Yeah, it just feels weird I have a friend I already call H,' he replied to me nervously. I know Pete I know (it's me). I watch him pull out his phone before telling me that there is a mugging happening if I can go stop it. Weird wonder what he's doing with his phone. I race over to the crime scene letting the guy know that I am really very friendly. Well I can be friendly if I want to.

Peter's POV

'Mr Stark, The Hood is on patrol with me I can send you my location and keep her distracted,' I said.

'Thanks kid, I'll get Clint and Natasha on it,' he stated thankfully before asking if I am alright and inviting me to some social event.

Harvey's POV

I stopped the mugging before heading back up to Peter.

'If you don't mind me asking where have you been?' He asked.

'I was busy working, unfortunately not everyone is lucky enough to get paid for saving the streets, I lost my job so I'm back now,' I said which was true full.

'Wait so your and adult,' he asked stated don't really know.

I scoffed at that, 'how many adults do you know that are 3'10, I don't have dwarfism the doctors tell me I am just slow in development, basically I am just a little short,' I said annoyed.

'I'll give you clue Spider-ling I am younger than you,' I stated scaring him a little.

'H-how do you know how old I am?' He questioned.

'Calm down a little, you should know better than anyone I don't hurt anyone with out a good reason, besides I don't trust anyone. The answer to that question is confidential,' I said looking at him then the time. Next thing I know there is Black-widow and Hawkeye in the distance.

Ugh Peter can be so annoying. Tells Mr Stark everything.

'Really Spidey,' I yell tucking and rolling off the roof and beginning to run.
Teleport, No, Teleport, No, shit their still on my trail I run into an alley before teleporting back home. Have I mentioned I really hate teleporting. Oh well I'm currently, on the run from S.H.I.E.L.D, the Avengers and probably HYDRA. Great.

Natasha's POV
We turned the corner and the figure disappeared god this person is annoying. Back to Avengers Tower.

'What do you mean you lost her!' Fury yelled in frustration.

'I mean we lost her,' Clint said calmly.

'Ugh, Peter do you know anything, anything at all more about her?' I asked.

'Uh, she said she is younger than me, but she said she was busy working and she lost her job so she has to be at least 12, (I know your supposed to be 14, it's different where I live), she told me she's 3'11 though,' Peter said.

'Well that actually helps a lot, between the ages of 12-16 and a 3'11 female, who just lost their job,' I said as Fury begins to pull out files.

'So it's one of these, 11 people, we're on the right track people,' Fury said.

Harvey's POV

I possibly told Peter too much, there isn't many people that fit that description of what he knows. I contemplate this for a little while before changing and curling into a blanket. I let a tear slip. I wonder what it feels like to be loved. This life is so empty and cruel.

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