Power Dampening Bracelet

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Harvey's POV

Bucky left me alone in the med bay and I eventually got up and moved I went and sat in my bedroom again. I didn't want to sleep I couldn't deal with a nightmare right now. I just let the hours finish passing. 5:30 finally came and Nat came in looking at me starting at the wall.

'You look tired how much sleep did you get?' Natasha asked me in a motherly tone.

'Enough,' I replied standing up and following her. She ate, I pretended to eat and then we headed to the training room. She started sparring the same way as the day before the difference is I may still be angry but I don't care what so ever. I could see Natasha scanning me up and down as neither one of us spoke just her knocking me down and me getting back up again and again. I kept my expression the same as usual fierce and angry. I could see Natasha was trying to get my face to change, for something to happen. I've heard Natasha give Bucky a lecture on not overworking himself so when she just kept on sparring for hours I knew she was trying to get something to happen. Eventually I saw Bucky come in and shared a conversation through their eyes before Nat spoke.

'Alright Harvey, same time tomorrow before you overwork yourself.' She said. I nodded leaving the ring and ignoring Bucky and just walking past. I checked the time we had been sparring for just over four hours holy crap. I went and sat on my bed looking at the power dampening bracelet on my wrist. If I used two pretty strong magnets I would definitely be able get this stupid thing off. Now I need an excuse to get a magnet. Or I could sneak into one of the supply rooms there are so many no one ever goes in. I leave my room making sure no one is following me. I quickly check the compound map and find a storage room that almost certainly has magnets before making my way over there. I open the door which I actually expected to be locked but wasn't. I knew I had to be quick now as the Avengers would be out of their meeting soon. I found two magnets pretty quickly. (Someone labelled and organised everything. I managed to split the cuff and break free.

I immediately dispose of it. I then leave the storage room and go to listen to the Avengers meeting. I teleport to the vent above them and begin to listen and watch them.

'Are you sure he should be kept here?' Steve asked.

'I know it's undesirable but until we get answers the only proof we have is a few photos. We technically don't even have Harvey's word. Basically it's here or he gets let go.' Tony replied.

'Where is he getting kept? I want to make sure Harvey doesn't get near him.' Bucky asked.

'In the left room max security jail cell.' A voice replied. Oh now it's time for my Dad to pay I thought proceeding to teleport right outside his cell.

I am going to get some answers from my so called father even if it breaks me more than I already have been I thought to myself walking out the door.

I smirked and i know just how I'm going to do it I smirked to myself as I readied my perfected plan so I can finally get answers to the question I've been asking myself since I was a child. That I never had the power to ask. Oh how the tables have turned it's not me chained up anymore.

I am going to get answers if it's the last thing I do.

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