Harper Barnes

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A place to stay. Water. Finally free. I slept great last night now today's job is clothes and getting copies of my identity. Harper Barnes, pleasure to meet you. Daughter of Thomas Barnes and Charlotte Barnes. Yes I am aware that Bucky's surname may not have been the best decision but my only other thought at the time was smith which chances are would've been worse. I "borrowed" some clothes yesterday from a bin just so I didn't have to be in my suit. If the avengers or S.H.E.I.L.D came here the suit and weapons would be a dead giveaway. I still haven't got any money so I'm probably going to need a job before I can get more clothes. Or I wait two weeks before I go back to New York. I only need to wait two weeks because the people they have looking for me will not only die down but the Avengers will have begun losing hope. Until then I'm going to find myself a bag though. The idea of not having my suit with me hurts. For the first time in my life I'm stealing and not like the clothes which I found. Actually stealing. I feel awful about it but I would not cope without a bag. It was not particularly difficult I won't lie. I feel bad. I returned "home" almost immediately. Continuing by putting my weapons and suit into the bag along with my new identification. I make sure my suit and weapons can't be seen by opening the bag. I know that there is shield agents everywhere. Keep a low profile. I'm good at that. Right?

I walk around town for a while before finding the perfectly sketchy place to get the copies of my new identity. I would have made myself of age but I know that would put me at risk of being taken in because unfortunately I don't look eighteen. I get my identity, birth certificate and American Passport. As well as setting up a bank account in my name. I hacked into a bunch of records yesterday to make all of this exist. I even put in an application into midtown tech for next year as a senior. Yes, risky. That may put me on the radar but, I have to get in first besides the avengers aren't going to find me their. Hydra thinks I'm with the avengers so I'm a no go and I'm pretty sure there's no Shield there. Plus chances are they will have given up by the time the school year starts.

Bucky's POV

We never should have let her go off alone. I can't believe she destroyed the tracking device to. She's completely off grid. There's people all over the world looking for her and not a trace.

"Buck, come on you got to calm down. The kid can look after herself you've seen that. Hopefully, she will come to her senses and come back." Steve unconvincingly reassured me.

Harvey/Harpers POV

I won't lie I do feel a little guilty about the way I left. When it's safe to return I will send an apology arrow but that will be a while. I erased any evidence of me being on the laptop and placed it exactly where I found it. I didn't end up eating today. It's honestly non-essential. Maybe I need to change my Vigilante name too.   First I definitely need to change up my suit. But not today. Right now it's time to sleep.

Changed my suit to fully black with dark purple highlights. My new name is The Shadow. I got a full time job. And I've earns easily enough to pay rent for almost a year. I eat about once every two days. Which probably explains why I haven't gained any weight. My application to begin at midtown as a senior was accepted. Yes I'm going from a sophomore which I shouldn't have been anyway, to senior. I just had to pass the entrance exam. Going into the same grade with MJ, Peter and Ned would be suspicious. Although I suppose so is someone under 5 foot.
I dyed my hair. It's the same colour just darker now. Plus I broke my nose and let it heal differently to push the changes in appearance more. I start school in a week which means after my two months here, I have to quit my job, move back to New York and rent a place under my "parents" name. Oh yeah and get my emigration papers signed. Aka, me hacking into the system and making it look like we were visiting family for a little while. I reset the house perfectly to its original state without any trouble. Double checked my removal from any small traces on the laptop at all packed up my stuff. Applied and was accepted for the rental of a grandmother's house who only charges a 100 dollars a month. She says she's just looking for the company of a nice person. The last thing is to move in. I bought a camping mattress and a blanket and pillow. That's my new home setup. I have two days before I start school and I have a total of two sets of clothing. Which I did in-fact entirely wash the clothing in the nearby river while I was in Mexico. So I will probably have to get new clothes. I have had dinner with Mrs Bellwether every night since I arrived. Apparently, she's happy to keep my secret for me. I'm not sure how I feel about the company but the lady's nice. Apparently she's pretty comfortable and she just doesn't like being alone. I haven't gone out as Shadow in New York yet. Part of me's afraid I'll run into Bucky. About a month ago I did visit. My signature move I sent an arrow through the window apologising for leaving. Just telling Bucky that I am alright.

I'm going out tonight. Mexico is nowhere near as interesting to fight crime in. Bow and arrows. Me running into the night.

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