Black Eye

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As it turns out I have two days to convince Bucky not to come to my parent teacher interviews and my anger level is hostile at the moment if someone so much as touches me wrong they are in danger zone. I go down to the training room. I don't really want to rage at Bucky I heard him talking about anger management exercises.

I don't wrap my hands before punching which apparently 'I have to do.'

Why did Peter have to tell them. *Punch*

Why is Flash such an idiot. *Punch*

Why do they want to go so bad. *Punch*

Why is my life such a mess. *Punch, Punch, Punch, Punch, Punch...*

'I said stop, young lady,' I guess I zoned out I stop punching and look at my bleeding hands.

'Harvey are you listening to me?' Bucky asks.


'what did I just say then?' he asks.

'I don't know.'

'come on now your hands need bandaging.' Bucky says looking pissed and disappointed.

'my hands are fine thanks, I think I'm going to go do some homework.' I reply beginning to walk out.

'your banned from the training room without me, or another Avenger.' Bucky says blocking me from leaving.

'mm-hmm,' I replied before processing what he said.

'wait what, no Bucky please what did I do, I haven't done anything yet.' I whine upset.

'Too late. Now little miss your hands need bandaging.' Bucky said.

'You suck and my hands are fine Bucky.' I said putting emphasis on his name.

'You know I'm going to make you regardless, so make this easier on everyone.'

'Fine.' I replied following Bucky to the first aid supplies. I sat down and he kneeled next to me.

'You really do need to be more careful. If you keep being so reckless you will end up permanently injuring yourself.' He said beginning to bandage my hands. I rolled my eyes making eye contact with Bucky.

'Why do you want to go to my parent teacher conferences?' I ask.

'I want to know how your doing. Cause I care about you.' Bucky answers.

'But if you go that means I have to and I don't want to. Parent teacher conferences suck.' I state.

'I care about how you are doing Harvey, and if I can get through a few conversations with your teachers so can you.' Bucky said. I get he used to be an assassin and all but he is way too hard to convince.

'I'm coming fireball, now we need to talk about bottling your emotions up.' Bucky said causing me to pout.

'Bottling everything up until you explode isn't good Harvey. Neither is showing your emotions only through anger.' Hearing that made me angry again. Ok yeah I get how that sounds maybe I have a problem but still seriously.

'I don't care,' I replied before leaving. I find where Bucky hid my bag of weaponry and go into my bathroom.

'Friday , tell the Avengers I have gone to bed,' I said when the time finally came.

I got changed into my suit and 'safely' jumped out my window to go bust some heads in. I change my mind after remembering it's a possibility I will get on a news channel and then the Avengers will know I was breaking my grounding. Instead I decided to go to an underground cage fight. Being 3'11 has massive advantages and disadvantages when it comes to cage fighting but, destroying people is so much fun. I enter and pay my fare knowing I'll earn it back, before going into my first fight.

To say I made that guy regret starting by saying, 'but isn't she a little young' would be a understatement. I got into the nights finals and won a large sum of money (3,000). If I knew it paid this well I would have started cage fighting ages ago. I didn't come out unscathed mind. I think I broke another rib but that's alright getting rid of the anger was worth it. I get back to the compound I still can't teleport stupid power stopper. If I climb up to my window I have the risk of being heard but, if I walk through compound I have the risk of being seen.
*shit* I really should have thought about how I was getting back into my room earlier. I end up deciding it's safest to climb up the building. I go into the cameras blind spot and begin loudly jumping up the wall. I somehow get up there without getting caught. I open my bedroom window and climb in. I quickly get changed and hide my stuff getting into bed before hearing my bedroom door creak open.

'Hello?' I question.

'I knew I could hear you,' Bucky walked in.

'Are you alright?' He asked.

'Yeah.' I replied.

'Wait. Do you have a black eye?' He asked.

*come on excuse, excuse, excuse*

'I tripped and fell into my bedpost. Don't laugh.' I said hoping he'd buy it.

'Ok. Now you little one, need to go to sleep.' He said.

'Little one? I am literally 13.' I complained.

'Right and your 3'11 and severely underweight. Speaking of which you missed dinner, you know if you don't get more nutrients you will have to get a feeding tube.' Bucky said pulling the blanket over me.

'Now go to sleep, you have school tomorrow.' Bucky said leaving.
I finally fell asleep knowing that my sleep schedule is already non-existent.

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