Another Fight

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I walked down the hall with my backpack slung over my shoulder. I had run out of compound and to school I was still fuming mad but being here was better than being there.

Just act Natural, don't show anything, and Stay out of trouble. I told myself this walking through the hallway as the bell for home room rang.

I made it through most of the day not talking to anyone not saying anything staying as calm as possible not getting in trouble again.

It was the last class before lunch when I spot Flash looking around for some unknown reason.

'Hey baby street rat.' He said calling out to me grabbing my shirt.

Normally I would do nothing, I mean I'm used to this but then I saw him walk away from me and walk up to Peter.

I would ignore it but watching Peter hit the opposite wall my anger flared massively.

Just as Flash was about to tower over Peter,

I pushed him, Flash looked stunned beyond belief. Last time I only fought back and all I ended up doing was pushing him away a little.

"What your life so pathetic you have to pick on people weaker than you?" I said looking at him angry.

Flash smirked at me,

"What's a nobody like you care," He said.

That even made me even more angry,

He is now towering over me.

"Get out of my way scholarship orphan," He said

I glared at him, you know what they say the bigger they are..

"Harvey don't," I heard Peter say warningly.

"Make me," I said glaring at him too.

Everyone was surrounding us whispering nonsense.

"What's she doing?" A girl whispered looking as though she was going to be sick.

"Does she want to be murdered or something,' A boy looked at me in Shock.

"Harvey isn't that a boy's name, what your parents hate that you were a girl so much they named you after a boy?" He said cruelly.

That kind of struck a nerve. Fuming mad I right hooked him, he stumbled back his nose beginning to bleed.

"Oh now you've done it," He said now angry and slightly humiliated.

"Then do something about it," I said dropping my bag to the floor.

Bucky's POV

we were all lounging around together speaking about a previous mission and Tony was getting a drink.

"Hey Peter aren't you supposed to be in class instead of on your phone?" Tony said answering his phone.

He then paused looking a little like he'd seen a ghost.

"Whoa Whoa, kid slow down, what?" He said

"Okay try to calm her down were on our way," Tony said.

"What?" I asked

"Apparently a kid knocked Peter into a wall and well now... Harvey is fighting him," Tony said.

I stood up

"What?" I said

"Yeah, we better get there before it escalates anymore than it has." Tony said

"I will handle it," I said

Tony nodded in agreement.

Harvey's POV

Flash tried to push me as I fell to the ground I got up, and tackled him.

"Harvey, No! Stop!" Peter yelled

I turned flash now kissing the ground I had his arm bent behind his back,

"How does it feel being over powered by a 13 year old girl!" I said smirking at him.

"Get her off of me!" He yelled out to his gang.

I looked at them with rage.

"Touch me and your all dead," I said

They didn't move.

Finally I let Flash up just as I started walking away he punched me in the cheek, and that just sent pure rage beyond any level I'd had before.

I shoved him head first into the lockers.

"Remember this you are a nothing, just a pathetic bully who probably will only work as a cashier at a fast food restaurant, you are nothing!" I said.

"Harvey! Stop! Now!" Peter yelled.

I punched him in the ribs,

"That's enough," I felt a hand on my shoulder

I still continued to keep the guy pinned.

"Harvey I said that is enough," A low voice said.

I look over my shoulder to See Bucky.

I looked at Peter angry as usual.

"You called them?" I said hostilely.

"We asked him to incase anything happens," Bucky said crossing his arms.

"Let's go Harvey," Bucky said reassuringly.

I hesitated

"Now," Bucky said.

I let go of Flash,

"And you young man don't think your parents aren't going to hear about this," Bucky said pointing at Flash and glaring at him.

Bucky wrapped his arm around my shoulders as he picked up my backpack and we walked out of the school. I may have gone too far.

I have to admit I'm really confused as to what the hell just happened but as far as I can tell I'm in a world of trouble when we get back to the tower.

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