Tony went too far

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So right now I'm sitting on the couch, slouching with my arms crossed.

"Harvey!" Nat said.

I looked at her,

"What?" I said in a disrespectful tone.

"I Said do you want to explain what the hell you were thinking, I know you were angry but that's no excuse," She said clearly angry but she was hiding it very well.

"Well he started it, I just thought I would finish it," I mumbled

She narrowed her eyes at me while Clint had his arms crossed.

"Look I just thought I would give him a taste of his own medicine," I said

"Harvey you can't just take on someone twice your size," Bucky said.

"I've done it before." I mumbled

"What was that?" Nat said in a intimidating tone.

"Nothing, forget it," I said standing up.

"That's it, Harvey starting tomorrow you train with me every day. That's not just a one off now. No if's and's or but's we need to get your anger in check. Clearly Sparring this morning was good for you so that is no longer just a one off punishment,' Nat said.

"I don't need training," I said looking at her.

"We will see about that," Clint said smirking.

"And another thing you are not leaving this tower without supervision," Bucky said.

"I already wasn't allowed to and you do know I have school," I said crossing my arms.

"Yeah, about that," Tony said walking in.

"As of today, you have been taken out of public school and are now home schooled," Tony said.

I was now extremely pissed.

I balled my hands into fists, I was fuming again.

"No offense, but you guys are not my parents," I said glaring directly at Tony.

"Right, your parent was sociopathic person connected to HYDRA and tried to sell you to HYDRA," Tony said harshly making me fire up.

Clint, Nat and Bucky looked at Tony stunned he even said such a thing, They were looking at me for a reaction, I just simply closed my eyes then turned around and walked out of the room. I knew Bucky was going to come and find me after this. I ended up going up to the roof with my bow and locking the door up there. I started randomly shooting trees directly in the middle. As people began going past I started shooting an arrow directly in front of them to freak them out. Which is unsurprisingly very amusing to watch.

"Hey Harvey, you alright, took a while for us to find you.'' I heard Clint coming to sit down next to me.

"I'm sorry Tony said that he had no right." He said causing me to be more annoyed.

"I'm fine thanks, you can go now," I said in a cruel hostile tone.

"Bottling everything up until you explode isn't a good idea I thought today would have proved that to you." He said.

"Seriously Clint, your almost worse than Bucky. Just Go! please." I said pulling the blanket over my head.

"You guys have proven your point. Your just going to keep punishing me until I behave so, fine alright you win. I'll do what you say." I said this giving up and deciding Clint wasn't leaving so I stood up and left. I returned to my bedroom and picked up my chemistry book and threw it across the room. I just numbly laid there for hours. Every once in a while drawn out of my thoughts by Bucky or Natasha outside the door trying to talk to me. I looked at my clock drawn out of my thoughts properly, it was now 10:00pm. I entered my bathroom turning on the light. I look at my reflection feeling furious now. I start punching the mirror furiously, screaming crying honestly I don't know. I stop laying on the floor of my bathroom now covered in shards of the mirror and blood as I let my hands begin to bleed out.

Bucky's POV

I was sat against the wall beside Harvey's bedroom. I know she's in there but the doors locked and I can't get in I suddenly here an ear piercing scream. I stand up and start calling out to her.

'Harvey, Harvey please come on doll please let me in.' I cry out. No response the screaming turns to crying and slowly dims out. Fuck this I'm going in. I ram into the door knocking it down searching for Harvey. I open her bathroom door and see her completely smashed mirror and her bleeding out unconscious on the bathroom floor. I pick her up careful not to step on any glass. I walk down to the med bay and sit her up against the wall. She bangs her head against the wall causing her to wake up.

'leave me alone, where am I?' She said barely conscious.

'give me your hand doll I have to remove the shards and stop the bleeding.' I said calmly.

'no you don't.' She said waking up a little.

'Harvey.' I said sternly. She gave me her hand and closed her eyes. I cleaned and bandage both her hands while she barely moved.

'Hun, I'm done.' I said.

She opened her eyes but just stared at me blankly. I went to pick her up but she put her arms up to push me away. I can see it in her eyes we are finally breaking down her wall.

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