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I woke up to Bucky shaking me.

'You were having a nightmare,' he said looking at me.

'Ok,' I said numbly looking as the concern on his face grew. I watched him look at me suspiciously following his thought process as he brushed it off. I internally sighed of relief.

'Ok, now here's my actual question how do you get out of here and why did you come here?' He asked. He was clearly trying not to ask me too much at once hoping I would actually answer him.

'I guess it's like my lair, and getting out is easy, although you might not fit, oops,' I replied to him shrugging with my usual hostile tone. I didn't want to teleport again I only did it the first time cause I was already starting a panic attack but I had to get Bucky back somehow.

I moved one of the boxes to show a small trap door.

'Yeah there is no way I'm getting out through there,' he said. He was right the only one of the Avengers who had a chance of getting through there was Nat, oh and of course Peter.

'I don't want to go back,' I said quietly. I didn't want to face them not just yet. Now they know I can teleport. What if they want to run tests on me. They probably will, if not today then another time. I don't want to be in a lab getting needles. No, no, no. Stay calm Harvey you have already concerned Bucky enough. Just stay calm. Stupid people it's their fault none of them could leave me the hell alone.

'Look believe it or not we all care about you, plus they will start freaking out if we don't reappear soon, they are probably already trying to find us,' he said. I don't believe that for a second I mean none of them would care if I were to be kidnapped by Hydra today.

'Yeah, ok hold onto me and don't let go,' I said sounding angrier before closing the trap door and moving my stuff back. Not questioning me he held on. As I breathed in and out trying not to think about my Father and his friends. I teleported myself hoping I would teleport Bucky also. I opened my eyes and got out of Bucky's grasp walking away from him. He still looked pretty bewildered by the situation. I then heard people come running in.

'Oh my God, Harvey where did you go better question how, what happened?' The Avengers surrounding myself and Bucky. They all started asking a bunch of questions some looking angry. I breathed in and out trying to stay calm as best I could.

'Stop,' I yelled still trying to stay calm and not freak out. Everyone became silent.

'Please be quiet if you just listen I will tell you, not because I trust you in anyway but, you aren't going to shut up if I don't tell you so,' I stopped and took a deep breath in.

'I can teleport and because I was holding onto Bucky when I did he came with me, I will not be telling you anything else, I will also not be teleporting again,' I said with a 'say anything else and you'll regret it' tone of voice as I sat down on the sofa.

'Oh yeah and if you really wanted to know why I got suspended the smart thing to do would have been ask Peter, even if he hadn't been there he would have undoubtedly found out, I mean he's one of my best friends,' I said hostilely not looking at anyone. I saw Bucky shoo them all away. He then came up and sat beside me.

'You know I can tell something is bothering you,' I heard Bucky say.

'I don't know what your talking about,' I replied nonchalantly glaring at him.

'Why did you have a panic attack then?' He asked.

'I don't like being interrogated like that,' I said.

'You know if you hadn't been through some kind of trauma that wouldn't have done anything to you, unless you were already in distress, the panic attack though I brushed off as a bad day Harvey. I'm talking about how you just brushed of a nightmare that was clearly distressing you a lot,' Bucky said.

'I'm fine, ok and I don't know what you think you saw but it wasn't a bad nightmare, ok.' I finished annoyed.

Standing up I said,

'I have to go home or I'll be in trouble, tell the others I say bye,' I stated still in my angry tone.

'Harvey before you go, come by tomorrow would you, please I want to train you,' Bucky said as I walked out. I didn't reply but I probably was going to come by eventually only because I'm not at school I need to do something to distract myself. Although I was still afraid they would want to do tests on me.

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