First time flying and an Escape

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Eventually we take off. I don't like this much; flying is worse than driving. I've decided I really don't like vehicles in general. And I almost miss my old life, even my dad. At least he never told me what to do. Damn Bucky can't get enough of trying to teach me how to behave. Stupid Bucky. Anyway, back to current life.

It's honestly a pretty dull experience travelling on the quinjet. I really expected more. Now I'm on a mission what a joke, I said I wouldn't join the Avengers and I'm sticking to that, but this might just be my opportunity to escape. Fury does not tell me what to do. Fuck pirate-man.  Wow, really going for the cursing today.

Now to escape Hydra, my dad and the Avengers. Finally. So, I listen to Bucky like a hawk as he gives me the rundown on the mission plan and every possible opportunity for me to escape. Any flaw, moment of my own success. Preferably not putting anyone else in danger. I'd feel guilty if anything happened because of me. Nevertheless, I will attempt escaping no matter what happens.

"Alright so Tony naturally is the distraction, we want you to teleport into the room with test 43, and start dismantling it, Steve, and I will be making sure no guards realise you're in there while Natasha and Clint sneak in to help you. You got it." Bucky said as I nodded.

"Alright give me your wrist then." He spoke.
"Why?" I questioned flinching away from him suspiciously.

"Tracker in case something happens." He states reaching for my wrist again. Damn it.
I give him my wrist and allow him to place the tracker on me working out as many ways as possible to get this thing off. Oh well I'm sure I'll work it out. Natasha walked over from the pilot's chair oddly I felt like we were still moving.

"Alright y'all we've taken off, so time to go suit up before we land." She said as I notice Bucky picking up my suit and throwing it at me. "Go get changed Hood." He says which I roll my eyes in response to. I look down at my seatbelt and realising I didn't listen when Natasha told me how to undo it begin to try and work it out. Yeah, that was a dumb move, and I still couldn't get work it out.

15 minutes later Bucky came back over.

"Why haven't you gone and gotten changed yet?" He asked it a stern tone.

I quietly mumbled my reply.

"I didn't catch that sorry what was that?" He asked.

"I don't know how to undo the seatbelt." I said a little louder.

"I thought Natasha showed you earlier." He said with his 'I know you did it' look. I looked away. Ugh, stupid Bucky.

"Please just undo the seatbelt Bucky." I asked upset.

"Fine," he said I swear purposefully making sure I couldn't see him undo it. I got out of the seat and began walk away but Bucky put me on his hip to stop me.

"Hey!" I complained.

"Don't you have something to say Missy?" He asked.
"No," I yelled at him angrily.

"Ok, then I suppose you don't want..." Bucky begins pausing clearly hinting me to say something. This time you win James.

"Thank you." I said reluctantly before he could say I was too late. Bucky is so annoying, has to always prove his points.

"Good, now go get changed." He said as I went into the bathroom. I entered picking up my knife and immediately destroying the tracking device then beginning to put on my suit. I returned to my seat not redoing my seatbelt.

"We're landing soon, so everybody needs to rebuckle Nat yells from the front of the Jet." Bucky then glances back at me. I roll my eyes and wait. Goddamn annoying these freaking people is so fucking easy.

"Mch-hmm," Bucky coughs giving me a look of expectancy. I shrug at him unfazed. I watch him unbuckle his seatbelt and stand up. He does my seatbelt up giving me that same disappointed look. Then he pushes a button out of my reach. Immediately I need to know what it does. You know what they say curiosity killed the cat. Maybe I'll get that lucky. Just Kidding don't worry, this curiosity will likely just tell me something I don't like. Which wouldn't change whether I asked or not.

"What does that do?" I then ask him curiously. Staring Bucky down suspiciously. He looks way too smug.

"Child-lock, you can't undo that seatbelt without someone else pushing that button to get you out." Bucky explains, clearly stifling an almost evil chuckle. I roll my eyes in response God, real mature, real mature.

"Actions have consequences." Is all he says sitting down. He is really trying to get this message across. Once again I roll my eyes. Stupid Bucky. I feel a weird sensation in my stomach. It feels sort of like the way I feel when I'm nervous. Almost like nausea. I really don't like flying. About 10 minutes later we hit the ground. Well I guess it's go time.

Bucky unclips me and we all leave the quinjet. I scan the area readying myself. I teleport myself into the room I'm supposed to. Dismantling the weapon as fast as I possibly can. I will not let this escape chance go away from me. This will be my freedom. I finish and start hearing people coming. I hide. When I see Nat and Clint come in I am now confident to teleport without them failing the mission. A difficult decision leads me to teleport to Mexico. Just for the time being. I will go back to Vigilantism as soon as I'm sure that the Avengers won't find me. I didn't leave a note. I'll send them one eventually. I have to start everything over now. I have nothing besides my suit. I know nobody. A couple weeks though and hopefully I'll be alright. First order of business is to find somewhere I can sleep. I'm in a smallish place. There is quite a large population here though clearly. It shouldn't be particularly difficult to find somewhere. I walk down the street this suit does not give me any favours. It's hot. I know for sure this'll take hours not to mention I'm still a little afraid the avengers or Hydra will find me. Cause of business after place to stay, water and food will be to change my identity. Appearance, get clothes. Then change my suit. This plan is in action. It's already been a couple of hours since I got here. Eventually I find a pretty nice apartment in which the owner I discovered from the neighbour that this is a holiday home meaning the guy isn't here. They won't be back for 3 more months. I break in. It was pretty easy tbh. One bedroom, plus kitchen, one bathroom and a sofa joint to the kitchen. I mentally note exactly how everything looks. As long as I remember to return it to that state and don't make it obvious someone is in here I should be great here. I have access to water now too which is good. Plus I found a place that'll serve kids free for food.

This guy has a laptop so changing my identity and getting documents will be easy. Now it real late so the last things can wait until tomorrow. I choose to sleep on the sofa rather then the bed it will be a lot easier to return that to its original state than the bed. I almost immediately fall asleep. With the blanket laid on the couch now over my body. Try and find me now suckers.

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