😏Holy shit 😏

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We made it in the house ash locked the door behind us I run to my bedroom and changed my pants to these Nike pro black shorts and when I walked down the stair fez ask " who finna roll this fat ass blunt " I said back " fuck I roll that bitch " I rolled it and I light it and I pasted it to ash passed to dart passed it to fez and right before I was about to hit it there was a knock on the door and dart goes and open the door and his face got red bc of the guy that was standing there it was my ex boyfriend Nate he cheated on me a lot hit me called me names and I was done with it and I start dealing I heard my brother yell " oct it's for you it's Nate " " I passed it to ash and I got up and I could feel someone eyes in my back and I turn my head it wasn't ash and then I start feeling like someone was staring at me . I get to the door and dart walks off and goes back into the living room and I ask "Nate what do you need " " he walk half away in the house " shit I need 3 mollys and 1 perks and a gram of gas" " aight let me go get them " I run back up the stairs and I go into my bedroom and get everything he asked for. 2 mins later I come back down the stairs and I walk to where Nate was " ight that will be 160" he hand me that money and he try to grab me and he tried to kiss me and Fez came over to where I was and said " aye let her go or there going to be a problem " he lifted up his shirt and showed his Glock that was in his pants for sum reason that kinda turn me on a lot...

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