😎Fez point of view 😎

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When we picked her up from school for fighting this bitch bc she was fucking with rue I respect her for that . When we picked her up her and dart came walking out the school and she had her handcuff behind her back  all you can see is her  tattoos on her arms and her hands . She get in the car and she wanted to roll and blunt so we stop at the corner to get blunt wraps but they only have blueberry and dart said that the only kind of wraps she smokes I kinda think she cute I mean fuck my homie has a cute ass sister tho fr fr . We made it home oct wanted to roll that fat blunt so I handed her the shit and she rolls it she passed it to ash passed it to dart then dart passed it to me then I passed it to her and right before she hits there a knock at the door dart get up and walks to the front door and open it and yells " oct it's for you it's Nate  " oct get up I was watching her she was wearing these black Nike pro shorts she pretty tho her long black hair with light blue eyes and a tattoo on her arm and one on her thighs and one on the forearm and it say Forever and always and 999 behind her ear and a butterfly on her hand and there red like god can she get any finer tho fr she bad asf . All I seen was her run to her bedroom and Nate fuck ass was standing in the hallway I ask dart " bro wtf is she doing " " o shit she making a sale to her ex that used to cheat on her and hit her I hate that man o fuck I wasn't supposed to tell you that don't tell her I told you that " " that fucked up and ight " him and ash walked up stair to play gta . And then I seen oct running down the stairs he hands her the money then she handed him the shit then I see him grab her arm and tried to kiss her that pissed me off I run over there and I said to know " let her go or there going to be a problem " I lifted up my shirt and show him I got that Glock on me he walked out the door . And I ask " aye oct you trying to finish the blunt with me I hate smoking by myself" I just want to spent time with her just me and her to see the vibe she gives off she say " ight bet " we go over there and we finding smoking and she said " aye I don't want to cut this short but I'm going to my room " " it's cool and thank you shawty" " your welcome Fezco " " aye shawty call me fez " I yelled back after she was half way up the stairs and I heard her say " ok fez but I rather call you daddy " I couldn't say anything now bc she in her room .

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