😳The baby coming 😳

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The 2 month  went by fast fez gets out the next Friday but I'm going to have this baby this Wednesday around 12:30.  It's Tuesday morning I walked in to the kitchen to make breakfast I look at the time it is 9:00 am I get out the pancake mix and everything we might need I felt like I pee on myself I look down and my water broke. I yelled as loud as I can " ASH CALL 911 MY WATER JUST BROKE" ash runs out the room he in the phone the next thing you kno the ambulance people where carrying me to the back of the ambulance they put me in there they let ash come with me.

We arrived at the hospital they rushed me into a room they made me but this robe on so it is easier to push the baby out. The doctor comes in and say " So ms Octavia you might have this baby tonight is there anyone you would want to call." " no sir just me and my boyfriend little brother " about ten minutes later 2 nurses came in and the guy doctor was standing at where my feet where ash was holding my hand laying on my chest telling me I will be ok the guy doctor said push I push I did about 3 more time I hear a loud cry ash is jumping up in down it made me happy that he was happy.

But I was still sad that fez was not here to see this happen or anything ash cuts the.  The Bilko cord Ash said " oct it's a girl  what do you want to name her" " I want to name her Marie rose Bailie "

Me and the baby came  home  Tuesday Ash was already at the house getting everything ready ash call me " hey oct Noah over here and he won't get out the house ." " I will deal with it when I get there be outside please ." I pull into the driveway and Ash is standing at the front door and I see Noah standing right beside him and it pissed me off . I get out the car and I grab Marie and her car seat and the diaper bag I walk to the front door ash takes the diaper bag and sat it in the living room I sat the car seat on the couch and Ash went over there and sat with Marie I walk to the front door and I smacked the shit out of Noah and I start yelling shit " I can't see my fucking baby daddy and he can't see his fucking twin and my a baby daddy was not even there to cut the cord his brother had to do it all of this is bc of you bc I would not fuck you or get back with your weak dick ass "  I could tell I hurt his feeling a lot. he mumbled " look I'm really sorry I really am and I hate myself bc of that I was jealous I wanted you to be happy with me but when I seen you happy with fez it pissed me off so I did it and I'm sorry oct " Noah walks to where ash is and looks at the baby and looks back at me " she does look like fez alot wow she Beautiful " " yea I know she looks like him and it sucks cuz I won't be able to see him I can only see her and it breaks my heart sorry to cut it short I'm tired and I want my baby to myself  bye Noah" "is there anything y'all need " " no thank you Noah " Noah walks out the door and ash locks the door I get the baby and all her stuff I feed and we went to sleep.

I wake up the Marie still asleep I walk into ash room " hey ash you got  3 grams so I can roll a blunt " " yea here can my guy friend come over please " " yes just don't be to loud the baby asleep .

I hope in the shower before smoking I throw on some playboy boxer and a white te shirt I walk in to the kitchen with my blunt and I see ash and this tall ass light skin with tattoos playing video game in the living I didn't say anything I walk to the kitchen got some water and I didn't have a fucking lighter " hey ash you got a lighter " " yea " I walk over there and I use his lighter to light my fat ass blunt " hey bro this my homie girl she crazy asf  her name is Octavia but call her oct. "
"Oct this is Marcus " he shook my hand nice to meet u I walked back to the bathroom Marcus ask ash " hey bro is she single " " nah she with fez and she just had his baby " " you cap she won't look that good after having a baby" I walk out the bathroom and the baby started crying I still had the blunt I pick my Marie and walked into the living room and I ask ash " hey will you put this blunt out for me please " about a few hours later it's 2:20 and everyone asleep I finally got to go back to sleep.....

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