How did i get here

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I woke up and I was in my bedroom I thought I went to my mom and I look at my right side and there is fez he looked happy to see me he look at me in the eyes and said " don't fucking do that to me ok "  
"ok I'm sorry I really am " " let go down stairs " we walk down stair where my brother is he run and hugs me "listen sis I'm not mad that ur a stripper I think it would be nice to know so I don't go there and watch my sister get it that weird but you love someone and someone love you you need to worry about that person you had him drinking last night he was fucked up he punch a hole in the wall he loves you " I turn around and fez was gone I told my brother I loved him . And I walked up to fez room and I got nervous really bad and I hate that I got the nervous to knock on the door but I stopped myself and I heard a girl voice I can't make out what she was saying but I felt a sharp cut thru my heart I seen ash and he looked at me and I ran to my room and I locked my door . I couldn't help myself I just started crying it wasn't normal it was lol my puppy died type of shit I felt so stupid because I fell for him and he had a girl friend like what the fuck . Now my door knob is tiring now I kno I locked that bitch but who ever is twisting my door knob and my door was unlock now either it's can be 2 people fez or dart . Little did I kno it was ash he came up to me and say "listen see fez never liked anyone but let me tell you when you went missing he has never drunk never but he did last night and that girl was his sister she is locked up he does love you trust me .

Well later on that day my brother and Rue left to go to her house . Well I want to drunk so I took a few shot and ash did too but we smoked like 4 blunts everyone feeling good Ash didn't feel so good so he went to bed . And it was just me and Fez I can't believe this happen.

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