😳O fuck 😳

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Fez point of view

You kno I have never felt for a girl like this  but I'm inlove with this girl I go to her room and ask her if she wants to smoke she said yes well we smoked a few blunt and I passed out in her bed and then she fell asleep I woke up and I was cuddling with her I kiss her on her head and I said some cute thing because I love her and she don't know fr fr. Well her alarm started going off she hopes out the bed and got this gym bag that was already pack she hopes in the shower and she gets out she looks hella good in the Nike pro shorts she put all her makeup in the gym bag and her perfume and lotion I asked her " hey where you going" and she said " Um going to hangout with some friends and go to this party " she walks out the room with her bag and her keys and her phone. Now I hate when this girl goes anywhere with out me but she does have her own life . A few hours go  by . Dart and ash walks into my bedroom and say " aye yo you trying to go to this strip club it's poping tonight " I look at my phone it's 12:40 " hell yea let me get ready " I get in my bag and I pull out my black rip jeans with a black shirt that has a red rose on it and it says fuck you and everyone with you then I put my white air force's on and I put on my polio Cologne and I walk out my bedroom and they boys are waiting for me " so how long will is this trip" " ab two hours" he get in the car we smoked a few blunt and we finally got there it was packed . I see oct car but someone might have the same car we get in there and the music loud and they called this girl on the front stage I ain't going to cap she is Built like oct she get on the stage and this song by Rihanna pour it up and this girl start killing this shit she crawling to me I look at her face and she looks at mine I was in shock who it was dart see it he said " what the fuck oct u wasn't to tell me this " her time was up I could see the tears in her eyes she gets all of her money now I ain't finna cap she had a lot of money on the stage . We walk to the boss and asked for Octavia and the boss said " I'm sorry she just ran out the door crying may I ask why " " well I'm her brother and I need to talk to her" " let me guess you just found out " " yes " I jumped in said " ok does she have a bf here " " o I get it you like her and your a worried brother and this dude liked the show think  I said she lefted " " thank you ma'am" we leave the strip club and we are calling her and texting nothing we go home she not there either and now I'm worried I texted her and she never came back it was about 3:30 am I hear the front door open everyone asleep I thought maybe dart is bring rue here well I was wrong I heard foot step outside of my door the only person room that in front of mine is oct I open the door and I see her I could tell she been crying she looks fucked up out her mind I follow her in her room she started crying and yelling at me to leave and she pulls out this bag of perks she bussed on down and she sat back and didn't look at me and told me to leave and I didn't want to because I love her but she needs to chill I come back to her room about 10 mins later and there was 3 lines left of the perks and the bagging was empty now I'm worried I look at her she is still breathing . A min later she wakes up and she start doing her 3 lines I look at her and she looked at me and said " listen I gtg tell my brother I am sorry but I'm leaving I will be back soon" I begged her to stay but she didn't listen that broke me I was really about to cry a few min later everyone wakes up I'm sitting in the kitchen with a bottle of rum and a fat ass blunt ash walked up to me and said " aye nigga you good " I didn't say anything dart comes back I turn around and look at him and said " you know if you didn't go off on her like that maybe she won't be running away or at least trying to kill her self" " what are you talking about fez " " your sister came in late last night she was fucked up like she was crying I followed her to her door she pulled of this bag and she did a few perks I left her room and I walked back in there and she was passed out and she woke and did the last 3lines she had then said told me to tell you she will be back but not right now" " fuck I fucked up idc that she a stripper it would be nice to kno so I kno that one of them my might be my little sister but I have a idea where she at if she had perks then Ik where she at " dart said he run to get his keys and he told me to come with his he started going down this Road " aye dart where we going " " to my mom that where she at that or she at Nate's  he has perks " we pull into his mom there alot of people there we walk in and there she was passed out on the couch I pick her up and put her in the car we drive back home and I put her in her bed and I layed beside her.

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