😒A week later 😩

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About a week later I start feeling hella sick like I been throwing up I hardly could eat with out throwing up I mean there a lot of thing that changed I still smoke but I want to call my mom cuz I have a idea what's going on but I'm not for sure I walk out the bedroom bc the boys are playing gta .  I dial my mom number it's ringing ringing " hey baby what's wrong "  " mom I have a question " " wussup baby " " how do you kno if your pregnant " "well you will start throwing up your boobs will hurt you crave stuff " " how much are pregnant test" " get the clear blue baby and there are about 15 dollars " " thank you mom I love you " " I love you too " I hang up and walked back into the bedroom ." Hey baby can I borrow $20 please " yes here you go  where you going " " I have to run to Walmart " " hey oct let me slide " " ok fine ash no silly business." Me and ash walk to the car we start backing up about 20 mins later we ended up at Walmart we part and walk in I go to where the pregnant test are I didn't know ash was following behind me . " oct do you think you are " a quiet voice from ash " idk u think he would leave " " to be honest I don't know."

we get the test  and leave  we made it home I go to the bathroom I pee in a cup I got from the kitchen I dipped the stick in there and I have to wait 20 mins . 20 went by I knock on ash door he opens it and he lets he in " I want you to look at it first " " ok bet " I look at him I see a tear fall from his eyes he handed me the test it was positive I look at him " fez is going to hate me " about a hour later fez woke up from his nap and I walked into the bedroom " hey baby I got you sum " " what is it mamas " " lay out both of your hands " he did I placed the test in his hand " open your eyes " as he did he looked down and looked up at me " tell me your playing " " nope" " YES I get to be a dad."
I call over rue and my brother to tell them . they  came over they sat on the couch and I hand them the test they where both happy but they had there other plans the deal with it kinda sucks my brother not here with me fr like he was then . But what's sucks is rue pregnant too so at least my Bestie pregnant too ....

Everyone lefted and me and Fez is laying on my bed smoking a blunt I posted the pregnancy test on instagram and snap and then we passed out .

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