😊Well shit ..😳

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Now don't get me wrong ash can handle him self but fuck that . I walked up to the dirty bitch and I started beating the fuck out of her like I'm hurting her bad . The next thing I know I'm getting pulled off her and I looked down there was blood on the hoes face the only thing I could say " yea dirty bitch stay the fuck down ash hand me your drink " ash hands me his drink I throw it on the hoe " I bet that burn just like that dirty pussy". Well fez and ash walked me to the car fez throw me off his shoulders and put me on the car . Fez started the car and start backing up now I had a few drinks but fuck I didn't care . Fez started playing  six-0 business by Quando rondo and when that song end he playing thug cry  he was singing his heart out I kinda felt like he was singing it to me bc I felt him staring at me I look over at him . He gives me the most disappointing look . I turn away to look out the window I felt a tear fall from my eye he couldn't hear me sobbing because the music was to loud.

A few mins later I get a tap on the shoulder and I turn around and ash gives me a big smile and he passed me the blunt i could tell he knew I was upset but I didn't know how or why but he does anyways I take a few hits off it and passed it to fez and he gets a text and ash names popped up and I couldn't read it but I was happy that he cared for me . Fez looks at me with a little grin on his face he was texting someone else but I couldn't see the name..

My phone goes off it was a text from baby boy saying " I will deal with you when we get home " I get a smile on my face and he grab my thigh and was squeezing tf out of it . Ash passed me the blunt again I hit it passes it to fez . We made it home everyone gets out the car  fez gets out his keys and unlocks the door ash walks in and turn to look at me and fez " look I love y'all but I'm tired love y'all and thank you oct " ash said " we love you and your welcome " ash run off to his room .

Fez picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist he started kissing me and walking up the stairs without breaking the kiss he open my bedroom door and walked to my bed and he thru me on the bed while I'm laying on the bed he start playing my freaky playlist . Fez walk over to the bed and he start lowly kissing down my neck making me feel ice in the sun he start taking off my clothes and he throw them on the right side of the room finally I'm naked and he takes off all his clothes we are both naked he start sucking on my neck and then he start sucking on my nipples he start eating me out I'm moaning because it feels good he puts it in and he start going slow the I beg him to go faster and he did " put your ass in the air now " I do as I told he puts it in and he grabs my hair and starts pulling it and making me scream then  about 2 mins later we both cum and we smoked a blunt and went to sleep .

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