💕First date 💕

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" Baby girl " " yes " " get some clothes on I'm taking you on a date " " bae you don't have too " he turn around and walked out . I throw on this plain black dress with black heels. I walk to where he was " damn mamas you beautiful Ong " " and you are sexy yourself sir ". A few minutes later we get to this beautiful restaurant fez on open the door for me. We go sit down I take out my phone to take pictures and post them fez say " aye let me get into some " I take about 10 pic with him he take out his phone and took about 13 pictures with me he posted them on instagram ,snapchat ,Facebook . Man I got so happy " see now I'm all yours and your all mine " I couldn't say anything I just smiled bc I was happy that I'm a thing with him because I'm actually happy even tho he knows I'm a stripper. We get back home around 4 am we went to my room and smoked a fat blunt and we watched some scary movies and cuddle and passed tf out .

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