🥺Hes home 🥺

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It was Friday 6:20 in the morning the baby woke up hungry so I made her a bottle. Rose goes back to sleep  I walk into ash room and he was gone. So I texted him " hey can I get 3 gram I have the money "   ash texted back and said . "Um I went to the to the store and yes you can you don't have to pay me because you  had my niece and I'm great full for that and fez will love her." " what time does he get home " " to be honest I think they said 3:30 pm but I'm not for sure" 

I walk into Ash room got about 4 grams I roll the blunt up the baby is asleep in my room so I thought I could clean the house a little bit I lit the blunt and started playing R&B on my phone I start cleaning the kitchen then the living room
I start some dish  water for Marie bottle and I finished washing all those then I started  putting the dirty clothes in the washer Machine and then I started washing the  dishes  . The front door open but I didn't hear it because the music was loud I was still washing the dish when u felt big ole hands around my hips . My heart was racing because I was hoping it was my baby I turned around and sure enough it was him . He had a tear in his eyes " baby it's real your " he said crying out he touch my belly and he didn't feel anything so he started crying more . Then I start crying because my baby was finally back and I got my hole family back together. Me , Ash and Fez all dat on the couch and passed the blunt back and forth we was smoking for a good few min the music was loud I heard Marie crying so I walked into my bedroom and got her . When I walked out the bedroom ash seen me with the baby and he put out the blunt fez was mad because ash put out the blunt " hey baby do you remember when you told me to name the baby rose for a girl " " yea "he said looking at the tv with his back faced me " baby I want you to meet Marie rose Baylie" he jumps up and run to where I am and there was a tear in his eye when he seen me holding the baby. " Mamas what if I'm not a good dad and I mess up ." " you will be a great dad baby I promise." " mamas can I hold her ." I hand him the baby he talking to her and kissing her " wow she looks just like me " fez said with a little grin on his face " yeah she does she going to be your little evil twin." "I hope not she need to be like her mom loyal crazy a ride and die ." Marie started crying and I handed fez the bottle and he walks into the bedroom and feed her. I walk over to the couch I pick up the blunt and lit it and took a few hits off of it . Ash came and sat beside me and asked " hey can I have a girl over " " yea no baby's " I said looking down " oct you ok " " yeap" I get up grab my car keys and my phone and walked out the door without telling anyone where I was going I felt like I was nothing to fez anymore now don't get me wrong yea he wants to spent time with his baby but what if he don't want me like that all these thought started flowing through my head  I call my mom and she answers " hey baby what's wrong " " mom can I come over please I need a break ". " yes baby you can come over " my phone blowing up texts from ash

Lil bro Ash
Hey where are you fez thinks . something happen to you .
Where are you.
Hello .
Oct come one answer.
Oct I know what your think don't do anything stupid fez is tripping .

14 missed call from lil bro Ash

20 miss calls from big daddy .

I just put my phone on DND and started driving about ten minutes later I pull into my mom drive way.

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