😳Um anyways 😈

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          2 weeks later

I go to the corner store where Fez was
I walk into and no fucking way there my fucking ex boyfriend Nate  I didn't even say anything I walk behind the counter where fez was works I sit in the chair and I open my phone to watch TikTok and the next thing I know Nate popped sum off " So oct your pregnant now I knew I was a dirty slut this is why I beat the fuck out you will be lucky if I don't kill you and your baby" now that pissed fez off he jumped over the counter and start beating the shit out of Nate. I ran to him I tried to pull him off and I tell " FEZ STOP " he stop and he looked at me I never seen him that mad before  I grab Nate by the hair of his head and I throw him out the store he stands up and he gives me this look as if he going to do sum " hey oct you better stop doing what ur doing or your going to lose your baby and u will get locked up let's see how long this works " Nate  says with a smile on his face he turn and looked at me and then started walking off . I walk back to fez " baby we should go home " " yea let's go mamas " about 3 mins later we made it home we walk in and go to my bedroom and we got in our pj I throw on some of my psd backwood boxers and one of fez te shirt we lay down and we put a movie on and he start rubbing my belly and he start saying " your going to be daddy little baby " then next thing you kno we both passed out.

About a week later
Everything is fine between me and a fez he loved on me more but here the thing the streets been cold my dad told me when the street get cold something very bad going to happen .

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