😩Lets get lit 🍑

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Me and fez been having little fights but nothing to bad it was just perfect time with him he everything I want . " baby there a party tonight and I wanted to kno if you wanted to go with me " I said quietly " hell yes go ask ash if he was to go " I walked out my bedroom and knocked on ash door . He looks at me with this look like what's the tea . "Aye your trying to go to this party" " hell yea give me a sec so I put my clothes on " " ok bet " I walked back to my bedroom and I look at fez and he say " is he going " " yes " and I throw on This white dress with these clear glitter glass high heels on.I walked  to the living room and Fez and ash was standing there . Fez just looks me up and down and since along ago no one looked at me the way he does you can feel is eyes staring deep in your soul . We walk out the house and get in my black bnw and we start playing music and passing a blunt around .

We end up at the party maybe 20 mins later  . Me Ash and Fez walked into the big old house and I could tell everyone was fucked up bc I'm smart like that . We all walk to the kitchen I made me some Hennessy and ash made pink Whitney. And then I pour him so Hennessy in his cup . I look at fez and said " I'm going to get him drunk asf tonight " " well guess I will be the sober one " " what's wrong with you " " nun it's just we are at your ex boyfriend party like wtf " " let me guess this is my fault " well it's was me and fez we are dance my song came on Partition by Beyoncé and when I was dancing on him I was dancing on him the song ended I walked back to the kitchen and I made me a full cup of fire ball now I'm drunk at this point I walk back to where Fez was and he pointed where ash was and I look ash was flirting with a girl . Well I finish my drink and I walk back and get another one and I come back and I look at ash and I look and I fucking seen this bitch throw a drink on him and slap him now that was fucking it ...

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