💁🏻At the corner store 💁🏻

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Fez wakes up and looks down at me I could tell someone was staring at me even tho I'm asleep . He looks at my phone because it's going off like crazy and there was a lot of texted from Nate saying he was going to hurt me . Because I moved on with out him . Fez kisses me on the head and grabs his car keys and lifted to go work at the corner store . I woke up and I called fez " hey baby can I come to ur work " " sure mamas be careful tho " " ok love be there in 20 mins " a few mins later I get up and throw on my white ripped jeans and a white tube tank cop top . And I throw on my white air Jordan's . I didn't even look at my phone he was blowing me up . I start walking to the corner store.

We was at the store for the past 4 hour it's the same old same old but there a party to night I want to go !!!

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