Who is she talking about ??😏

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" ok look oct I know your type hella well I mean fuck you dated Nate but listen there this dude he works here at this store but here the catch he is a plug just like you I swear to you  he fine asf " " we will see one day bc you and I have different type " we get to walking to school
2 hour lifted of school I was in the bathroom hitting my cart and my nic when I heard someone saying " ok I'm sorry please don't do this I'm really sorry " I thought to myself that sounds like rue I was putting my shit in my bra and I heard a loud smack and I open the door and I seen that girl that was begging was rue so I got hella mad and I start beating the fuck out that dirty bitch next thing you know a teacher and the principal pulled me off the girl that I was beating the fuck out of for rue and these dude took me out in handcuffs and didn't have handcuff on the other bitch that pissed me off . They called my brother dart and they told him what happen and that he needs to come pick me up.

He walked in and checked me out the girl I fought was eye balling my fucking brother and I pop off to her and I said " his bitch would shoot your head off bitch and remember I'm going have some of my big homies looking for you be careful where u go mostly to the corner store stupid bitch " oh they didn't like that well the office walking me to the car with the handcuff still on me like why . We get to the car who are these fuckers in my car .

The plug who loved the plugWhere stories live. Discover now