🤬Oh well nah 🤬

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I walk to the front door and I knock and this tall man opens the door and I ask for April and this tall man let me in and I walk over to her and her face is purple and blue I felt my heart drop to my asshole I scream at this man " how long was my mom like this " the man said " maybe 3 sec " I call fez crying he answered " mamas where are you " " I'm at my moms she overdoes" " tell me the addy" " 150 Carlson street" . Fez was her in the matter of 2 minutes he busted thru the door and he had Narcan In his hand he poked my mom with it . The tall man was trying to leave with the drugs and the money I tried to stop him this nigga had the Audacity to slap me across the face and this dude called me a bitch fez look at me and he start beating the shit out of this dude and didn't stop till he seen blood fez took the drugs and money and put it the couch .

A few minutes later my mom came back " mom what the fuck is wrong with you " " baby I promise I was clean and I went out and we came back he made me a drink after I got off the phone with you I promise " " I will kill that nigga is I see him again trust and believe that" " it's ok baby hey fez can I see my grand baby please" " yes you can stay with us no drug or no stupid shit"  can I smoke my gas at least " " yea bc I still smoke ."

We all get into the car and we are driving home and no shit we get pulled over . The cop hasn't walked to the car yet I said quietly " does anyone have anything on them " everyone said no the cop walked to the window " do you know why I pulled you over sir" " no I don't " " bc you ran a red light what's the rush " " we have to get home to my baby we just came back from a strip club " " well I'm going to write you a ticket " he hands us the ticket and we pulled off about ten mins later we made it home . I walk into the door ash runs and gives me a hug and say " I was worried about you " " where rose at Bub " " in her crib ". " can you get her for me " ash walks into the bedroom gets rose and walks back into the living room and hands me rose . I could tell fez was being overprotective about Marie and it was the Cutest thing every my mom was crying because how pretty she is " hey oct can i go to sleep I'm tired " " yea hey ash will you show her where dart old room was please " ash and her walked out the living .

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