six | sexualities

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~harry's pov

Chemistry was over quicker than I'd expected. I almost got caught on my phone twice but I didn't, so it didn't matter to me.

What did matter was the fact that I'd received an after school detention. It meant I would not be getting a ride home, and I'd be late home.

Vernon hates when I'm late.

An hour in school and an hour walking home. I'd make it home by five, nearly six. By that point I would've had to have cleaned the house and prepped for dinner.

Dinner at seven, beginning to cook at five, finished by half six. Washing up until quarter to, table set by seven. Gourmet meals and I don't even eat them.

It's annoying, and rather stupid that I make the food early and then have to reheat. Petunia's stupid rules.

Vernon wouldn't be home until dinner, which would give me an hour or so to clean and cook. It could work- dinner would be less fancy but it'd still be dinner, no?

That would save me another beating, however Petunia would be home, and Dudley would snake on me. He always finds out when I get in trouble. Honestly, I'm quite unsure how. I wouldn't consider myself popular enough to have rumours spread about me.

I'd hate if I was the talk of the school. Even though people think I'm a freak, I was quite glad Malfoy made everyone stop fawning over me for surviving a crazy, surreal accident.

Honestly, if it wasn't videoed and witness confirmed, I wouldn't have believed it.

"Harry? Are you okay? You've zoned out for quite some time." Ron asks me.

I simply hum an, "mhm," and go into a toilet to change. I absolutely despite PE with every part of my being. It's physically draining, especially when you've been beat two hours prior. Plus, we usually join other forms on the first lesson and play non-curriculum games.

PE isn't too tough, considering it's year eleven and GCSEs are on their way, but I still hate it.

Once I'm out the stall, I overhear Ron talking to another boy in our form. Seamus. We don't usually talk, but it's fine, because talking is effort.

"I think we're with 11S," Seamus began, "playing dodgeball."

"Dodgeball? But they're so aggressive. I can't afford to go home battered again." Ron sighed. "Mum already thinks I'm being bullied."

"Aren't you? Malfoy and his friends pick on you all the time." Neville butts into the conversation.

Ron shook his head. "No, you see, they only argue with us. Enemies, I'd call them. Not my bullies. They've never hurt me enough to leave marks."

"Fair enough. At least it's not 11Sl. Dudley's group is lethal. Did you see what they did to the quiet girl in 11Ra? She literally fractured a rib." Dean said, pulling a sports shirt over his head.

I must admit, Dean was built incredibly well. Abs, jawline, muscles and a prominent collarbone that could turn me fully gay. But everyone knows he's secretly not-so-secretly been liking Seamus since year nine.

Blind boy can't see Seamus' obvious reciprocation.

"Dodgeballs are soft?" Ron asked, untucking his shirt from his shorts.


"Yikes." Neville fixes his hair. He was clearly into Blaise Zabini, and wanted to look good for him. I didn't see what Neville saw in the boy. Zabini quite literally bullied him.

Zabini was openly pansexual, and jokingly flirts with everyone. He came out in year seven, claiming that seeing shirtless boys during swimming was his awakening. I don't know how; a majority of the boys in our year were ugly.

Out of the group of bullies, consisting of Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, Nott and Parkinson, Zabini had to be the kindest-seeming. He barely ever does anything.

Neville told me he was gay in year eight. He was scared to break up with Luna, who'd been nothing but kind to him. He physically couldn't feel any attraction to her, but was afraid to hurt her.

Luna, one of my "freak friends", was one of the purest souls. She supported Zabini, despite his friends being Luna's most violent bullies, when he came out. A week later, she had come out as pansexual too.

Luna and Neville broke up and stayed friends, which Neville was overjoyed about. Few people knew about Neville's preference towards men, but they accepted nonetheless.

Neville didn't believe he had a chance with the Slytherin, until he was paired up with him in science. I'd not noticed, right until I'd seen him walk out of his class when he'd been grinning stupidly and told me how sweet Zabini was.

That surprised me. A boy in a group with bullies, described as sweet.

Snape hadn't given us our partners yet for science, luckily enough. I wasn't mentally prepared to be put with someone I probably don't like. He's like that; always doing things to piss me off because he hates my guts.

I still dont know why.

"So, Dean, liked any girls recently?" Neville asked. He knew that Dean was clearly into boys, rather than girls. He wasn't discreet when checking people out in the changing rooms.

"Well, this one person," I laughed quietly at his failure to specify the gender, "has been on my mind for a while now."

"Is he Irish and makes things blow up in science?" Ron smirks.

Seamus looked up, a red tint forming on his cheeks.

"I, psh, no." Dean defended himself pathetically.

"Oh my, I'm fed up of you guys. You two are clearly into each other and hiding behind a fake sexuality. You hide your obvious crushes for each other so badly, I think all of our year know about it." Neville rolls his eyes. It's funny, because, he too hides his attraction for a certain boy.

"Seamus doesn't like me." Dean said, in sync with Seamus. "Dean doesn't like me."

Ron pushed Seamus towards Dean. He tripped over Neville's foot and went flying right into the boy he quite obviously fancied. Dean caught him, as the other two boys had planned.

The way Dean and Seamus looked at each other was quite envious. I would die if I had someone look at me that way.

"Can I kiss you?"

So much for hiding. To be fair, it took them long enough.

Seamus nodded and Dean leaned in.

It was awkward, for me, to watch, so I focussed on my fangirling ginger friend. Ron wasn't the type to fangirl, so it was quite funny.


what is wrong with me?

this chapter was supposed to be in third person pov but i'm so used to writing in first that i subconsciously wrote in first person

i cba to change it

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