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우정 - ujeong : camaraderie

mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.


"How're you feeling today, Seonghwa?" Mingi asked.

It had been two weeks since Seonghwa had broken up with Junho and he hadn't really been doing much.

In fact, he hadn't left Mingi and Yunho's apartment since it happened.

Yunho had been so kind as to cover Seonghwa's instructing sessions at the dance studio (He absolutely loved it, to the point where he had made Seonghwa promise that he could be the elder's teaching assistant when he goes back), and Seonghwa had contacted his dance instructor (Yeosang) to say he wouldn't be coming to his classes for a while.

He just couldn't face living his old life now that the biggest part of it was no longer there.

The biggest part of his old life hated him.


"I'm okay." Seonghwa said.

Just like he did whenever anyone asked.

Mingi sat down in front of Seonghwa where he sat hugging his knees in the corner of the couch, resting his head on top of his hyung's knees.

"Don't pretend, Hwa."

"M'not. I'm really fine. I don't really feel anything. I guess I just feel empty. And.. different."

Numb is what he really wanted to say.

Mingi hummed.

"Empty is probably worse than sad."

Seonghwa only shrugged.

"It is what it is."

"Yunho is going to drag you out of the house after work today, just a warning. He's taking you to the store to buy some paint and decorations for your room."

Seonghwa groaned, leaning against the arm of the couch.

"It's your guest room, I can't just make it my room because I broke up with my boyfriend! You're already kind enough just letting me stay here for so long."

"Don't be stupid, Seonghwa. You're ours now, forever, no getting away. We're both happy to have you here, despite the circumstances."

"You deserve to have your own space without me always here."

"And we did, for a long time before we met you. And we will again once you get back on your feet. Me and Yunho have all the time in the world, Seonghwa. There's no rush. Supporting our best friend for a little while in your time of need is no inconvenience, I promise you. Now, I don't wanna hear anything else on the topic, okay? Our guest room needs a little decorating anyway. C'mon, I have an idea." Mingi says happily, grabbing Seonghwa's hands and pulling him up off the sofa, making him yelp.

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