잊기 쉬운

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잊기 쉬운 - ijgi swiun : oblivious

not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around oneself.


Seonghwa shoved the oven gloves onto his hands and sighed.

They were wearing thinner and thinner every day; he'd need another pair soon.

Nevertheless, he opened the oven and took out the dinner he had cooked for him and his boyfriend of five years, Choi Junho.

They had met in high school and dated through college.

Now, Seonghwa was an aspiring singer and dancer who taught a ballet class on Tuesdays and Saturdays, and Junho was a business man, working for a small retail company.

He was ambitious, just like Seonghwa, and so he worked long hours every day.

Seonghwa tried not to hate that.

After all, Seonghwa himself often stayed overnight at the dance studio, which his boyfriend was very vocal about.

He had even accused Seonghwa of cheating on him with his dance instructor.

Seonghwa's fingers tightened around the kitchen counter as he recalled it.

Then, the door opened.

"Love?" Junho's voice rang through the house, and Seonghwa smiled.

"I'm in the kitchen" he called happily, dishing the dinner up onto two plates for them.

"Great! I brought over a colleague for dinner to discuss our winter sales, I hope you don't mind." He says as he and his colleague came into view.

Junho, with his sharp strong features was a total contrast to the guest.

His features were soft and curved, his cheeks were full and his eyes sloped down in sleepiness.

His dark red hair fell around his face just above his eyelashes and his long earrings fell beneath the strands.

He was dressed in nothing special, a black turtleneck and trousers, as opposed to his boyfriend's colorful red dress-coat and white shirt.

Seonghwa looked like an idiot.

His black hair was matted after dance practice and he was wearing an off-the-shoulder top and sweatpants, in front of two plates of dinner whilst there were now most definitely three people in the house.

Junho sighed, and Seonghwa visibly shrunk.

"Just come back from dance practice, love?" He asked, tiredly.

"Uh- yes. Sorry, I would've cleaned up if I had known we'd have company. Hello, um-"

"Kim Hongjoong" the man - Hongjoong - smiled, giving a bow.

Seonghwa returned the bow and the smile and replied "Park Seonghwa. Great to meet you, Hongjoong-ssi. I, uh. I made dinner but you're very welcome to have my plate."

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