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속물 - sogmul : philistine

a person who is hostile or indifferent to culture, or who has no understanding of it.

*there will be one part of this chapter with light homophobia, there will be a bold warning directly before and after it occurs!*


When Seonghwa flutters his eyes open the next morning, he's cold and the bed is empty.

Confused, he sits up and looks around.

Hongjoong is pacing the room on the phone.

Hongjoong's body is tense and stiff, and nervousness bubbles inside of Seonghwa.

He climbs out of bed slowly, wincing a little, and walks over to him.

When he touches the mans shoulder, he spins around to look at him.

Seonghwa's touch is gentle, and his face is softly concerned.

It comforts Hongjoong to no end.

Hongjoong mouths, "My appa," and Seonghwa nods.

"I'll get breakfast," Seonghwa says, giving Hongjoong a kiss on the cheek before he gets dressed in his pajamas and leaves for the buffet.

When Seonghwa returns, Hongjoong is sitting on his bed with his head in his hands, dressed in a suit.


He stands up quickly, looking guilty.

"Seonghwa, uhh... my appa said the CEO meeting is today and I have to go. I'm really sorry."

Seonghwa shook his head, rejecting his apology.

"I'll go with you."

"You don't have to, you can jus-"

"No, Hongjoong. I want to go with you. I want to be there."

Hongjoong looked at Seonghwa.

If Seonghwa really wanted to go, and the sincerity in his eyes said that he did, Hongjoong wasn't going to stop him.

And it wasn't exactly as if he didn't want Seonghwa to be there.

There was never a second in which he would refuse or be discontent in Seonghwa's presence.

"Okay. I'm still sorry though, I wanted to take you to more places today, not be stuck in a meeting."

Seonghwa walked to him, fixing the collar of his blazer.

"Hongjoong. We have the rest of our lives, there's no rush. If duty calls, you must answer." Seonghwa smiles.

Hongjoong goes a little red, and it's only then that Seonghwa realizes what he had just said.

"W-we do?" Hongjoong asks, and Seonghwa is now just as red.

Seonghwa nods though, unsure of what to say.

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