목가적 인

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목가적 - moggajeog in : idyllic

extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque.


Seonghwa dressed in one of his new outfits, a black and white striped turtle neck with a denim jacket and ripped skinny jeans, packed his stuff, and he was soon on his way back to Yunho and Mingi's apartment, excited to finally see everyone again.

When Dami pulled up to the apartment complex, Seonghwa turned to her.

"Why don't you come in for a little bit? They called a family day so all of them will be there."

Dami giggled nervously.

"Oh, I don't know. They might not want me there."

"Of course they will, they'll be thrilled to meet you. And plus, I want you there. Come on, just for a few hours?"

She gave it some thought but inevitably gave in.

Seonghwa's features switched to a wide smile immediately and then they were racing up the stairs to the apartment.

When Seonghwa knocked on the door, Dami hugging his arm in nervousness, there was a huge commotion on the other side of the door.

He heard yells of "I got it!", "No! It's my house!" And "Piss off!", before the door was finally thrown open by Yunho.

"Hwa!!!" He yelled in excitement, Mingi and Jongho peering over his shoulders.

Then, Yunho noticed Dami, furrowing his brows just slightly.

"Oh, who's this?"

Seonghwa smiled, "This is Dami, my old friend who I house sat for. I invited her over for a few hours to meet you all. Is that okay?"

Yunho's bright smile reappeared with an excited nod.

"Of course!! Come in, Dami-ssi!! Welc- fuck!, Hongjoong!!" He complained as he was shoved out of the way by the red-haired man.

Hongjoong wasted no time in bringing Seonghwa into a bone crushing hug, which Seonghwa gratefully returned.

"Joong," he breathed, burying his face into Hongjoong's neck and breathing in his tea tree cologne.

He had missed this more than anything else.

The feeling of safety, warmth, and excitement, all in one boy's arms.

"I missed you, flower. These two weeks have been boring without you." Hongjoong murmured.

Seonghwa giggled into Hongjoong's leather jacket.

"You need to find some more hobbies then,"

"Brat," Hongjoong whispers into Seonghwa's hair.

Hongjoong glances up to look at Dami for a fraction of a second before he pulls away slightly to press a lingering kiss to Seonghwa's cheek.

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