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흐리다 - heulida : equivocate

to use ambiguous language so as to conceal the truth or avoid committing oneself.


When Seonghwa woke that day, the late afternoon sun was shining through the open curtains.

"Ah shit," he muttered to himself, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

He knew he wouldn't sleep tonight, now that he had slept in the daytime.

Memories of the day he had swept through his mind, and he quickly decided that he deserved a nap today.

As always, Hongjoong was the first thing to pop into his mind.

And his problem.

Him having to choose between what he loved and his job.

There was no way Seonghwa was going to let him have to do that, but he didn't really know what he was going to do to prevent it.

There had to be something he could do.

Perhaps, he thought, getting to the root of it all and finding out how they found out about it was the right start.

It seemed sensible, only Seonghwa hadn't a clue how he was going to do that either.

He thought for a moment, playing with his sleeve, before realizing what he needed to do.

"Hongjoong!!" He called loudly, with such a tone of urgency in his voice that Hongjoong came speeding in seconds later.

"Flower? What's wrong, are you okay?" He says worriedly, his eyes wide and his lips pushed into an adorable pout.

Seonghwa smiles widely at the expression before getting out a pen and paper from his drawer.

"I need you to write me a list of everyone that knows you do underground rap." Seonghwa orders, pushing the pen and paper into Hongjoong's chest.

"What? Why?"

"Because, we need to get to the root of what started this! We need to find out how they found out. If you have a snitch in your ranks, we need to find and exterminate them."

Hongjoong raises his eyebrows at him.


Seonghwa tuts, rolling him eyes, "Well, we obviously aren't about to commit murder but you know what I mean!"

Hongjoong furrows his eyebrows a bit, but amusement is written all over his face.

"..yeah" he says, and Seonghwa hits his arm.

"Just write down the names!"

The list:


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