백지 위임장

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백지 위임장 - baegji wiimjang : carte blanche

complete freedom to act as one wishes or thinks best.


"You spoke to Ravn?!" Hongjoong exclaims.

Seonghwa had just come into Hongjoong's apartment and had literally only taken ten steps inside.

He knew that Ravn was probably a liar, but he didn't think this would elicit such a reaction from Hongjoong.

Pure horror was all over his face.

"Uhm, yeah? Why are you so horrified?"

Hongjoong says nothing for a while, he just looked out the window.

But Seonghwa was confused and he wanted answers.

"Hongjoong! What's wrong? He was on the list."

Hongjoong huffed, but Seonghwa oddly just knew the elder wasn't mad at him.

"He knows about the rapping, yes, but you never told me you were gonna speak to these people alone! You said together."

Seonghwa felt his stomach drop.

"O-oh. I'm really sorry Hongjoong. I didn't even think about it."

"No, it's fine, don't be sorry, it's not like you aren't capable, I'm not controlling. Ravn just- he's not always a good person. I wanted to be there when you met him."

Seonghwa nodded, looking down.

Hongjoong sighed.

He hadn't meant to make Seonghwa feel like he had to tell him everything.

He didn't want to make it seem like he didn't want Seonghwa to do things on his own.

He just... ugh, he didn't even know.

He decided to just put his hand on the small of Seonghwa's back and said, "You're okay, Hwa. I'm proud of you for being so independent. Genuinely, I am. You wanna sit?"

"You actually are?" Seonghwa asked with a pout and hopeful eyes

"Shouldn't matter if I am, Seonghwa, be proud of yourself. You were strong today."

Seonghwa seemed to consider this for a moment before his lips stretched into a wide smile.

"You're right. I was. I was like Sherlock Holmes today. Just a younger and prettier version."

Hongjoong laughed and placed his hands on Seonghwa's upper arms.

"So tell me, what were your deductions detective?"

"Who is he to you, Hongjoong? You said he was your colleague, but what else? Friends?"

Hongjoong shakes his head.

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