붉은 크레용

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붉은 크레용 - bulg-eun keuleyong : sanguine

optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation.


The pair were interrupted from their giggly embrace by Hongjoong's father who came over and clapped his hand onto Hongjoong's shoulder, making Seonghwa jump back in surprise.

"Sorry to surprise you there, Seonghwa," Hongjoong's father was laughing happily and it was the first time Seonghwa had seen it.

He smiles at him.

"No, it's fine. Thank you for the introduction back in the meeting, sir."

Mr. Kim places his other hand on Seonghwa's shoulder.

"I meant every word of it. I like you a lot, Seonghwa. I think you'll be very good for us. I hope you'll stick around for a long time."

Seonghwa's smile widens to show his teeth and hide his eyes.

"I will. I won't let you down." He says confidently.

Mr. Kim smiles at him and then turns to his son.

"And as for you, Kim Hongjoong." He starts.

Hongjoong's once ecstatic face drops a little with worry.

"I approve. It wasn't an easy decision you made back there, but I think you made the right one. Truth be told, I always regretted accepting my promotion when your mother had you. I wasn't able to raise you how I would've liked. I'm glad you're not making the same mistake. Your whole life you've always stayed true to yourself unapologetically. I'm so proud of you, son."

"Thank you, appa." Hongjoong says, voice thick with emotion.

It's easy to see just how much the words meant to him.

As the two men hug and Seonghwa smiles softly at the sweet sight, Junho catches his eye from behind them.

He's waving Seonghwa over.

Seonghwa sighs.

Speaking to him is the last thing he wants right now.

Junho doesn't deserve his time and Seonghwa doesn't care about him enough to give it to him anymore.

But Junho mouths "Please", and Seonghwa's a nice person, so he decides to give him a couple of minutes.

He walks over to him, Junho's just far enough away to be out of earshot.

When he's close enough, Junho speaks.

"You... you were pretty amazing in there, Hwa."

Seonghwa doesn't care enough to tell him not to call him that.

"Thanks," he says, his tone bored.

"Hongjoong's been teaching you business then, huh?" His tone is light and a little bit desperate.

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