프로이드 슬립

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프로이드 슬립 - peuloideu seullib : Freudian slip

an unintentional error regarded as revealing subconscious feelings.


The friends found the beers that were hidden in the fridge before long, and so with the promise that they could spend the night at Yunho and Mingi's, they got started on it right away.

Except for Yunho and Seonghwa, who were both teaching a dance class around lunch time the next day, and San, who had work early in the morning.

So, of course, the night ended with drunken karaoke and dancing, whilst the painfully sober trio sat on the sofa and suffered, trying their very hardest to close their ears.

Eventually, around midnight, they'd decided they'd had enough.

San offered to take Hongjoong, Wooyoung, and Jongho home, but Hongjoong furrowed his eyebrows.

"I took my car here, so how would I get it in the morning?"

"You'd have to get the bus like I do." Seonghwa says with his eyebrows raised in an obvious tone.

"Ugh," Hongjoong grimaced dramatically, so disgusted that Seonghwa didn't know whether to be mildly offended or not.

"That's just not me. Can't I just sleep on the couch?" Hongjoong slurs, and Seonghwa twists his neck to look at Yunho, completely ignoring Mingi, who was bouncing up and down in excitement at the idea.

Yunho rolls his eyes.

"Fine. But any funny business and I'm driving you straight home"

Hongjoong gasps, placing his hand over his heart in mock hurt.

"Funny business? I don't really know what you're referring to,"

Yunho puts his hands on his hips, "I'm referring to the time I woke up and you had spread lettuce and tomatoes all over the kitchen floor in an attempt to make a sandwich in the middle of the night."

Hongjoong scoffs, "Well, it's already the middle of the night so that's not going to happen, is it?"

Seonghwa giggles, and goes over to hold Hongjoong's arm.

"Come on Joongie. You can take the bed, I'll sleep on the couch. You'll only get woken by me and Yunho in the morning if you sleep here."

Seonghwa bids the others goodbye and leads Hongjoong into the guest bedroom.

Hongjoong hums, "Smells like Seonghwa in here," he slurs, making the younger giggle.

"Well, I have been living here for two weeks. What do I smell like, then?" He says, letting go of Hongjoong when they reach the bed.

Instead of getting into it, though, Hongjoong pulls him into a bone-crushing hug with a thoughtful hum.

"Hmm, lavender shampoo, shea butter, and that curry we ate," he decides, before leaning back and flopping on the bed like a starfish.

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