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잘못 - jalmos : faux pas

"false step," an embarrassing or tactless act or remark in a social situation.


It was a beautiful morning.

Not because of the weather, the curtains were shut and so only a sliver of blue was visible through the gap in-between them, but because of Seonghwa and Hongjoong.

The love that wordlessly passed between them.

It was a beautiful, serene setting.

The black and white themed room, Hongjoong's room, had a golden tinge from the sun that permeated the cotton curtains.

The only sound heard was that of the birds that chirped their near-afternoon song, and the delicate breathing from the two boys under the covers.

Neither of them noticed the idyllic scene, since inches away from each other, they were much too distracted studying the chocolate depths of each other's eyes.

Their fingertips brushed and touched, both of them fiddling and playing with them.

Their legs were in a tangle together and the only thing dancing around their minds was one single question;

How could they ever describe just how much they adored each other?

Could they ever take in the amount of happiness that threatened to choke them in moments like these?

"Hongjoong," Seonghwa whispered, so quietly it was only just louder than a simple breath.

He wasn't sure what he'd say next, he just liked the word rolling across his tongue.

His boyfriend's name was something he would never grow tired of saying.

Hongjoong didn't move, his expression didn't change to a questioning one and no hum came from his lips.

He just continued bathing in the moment, reading every word of Seonghwa's soul through the looking glass of his iris'.

If Seonghwa wanted to continue, he would.

In the end, the blonde boy only leaned in with closed eyes and brushed his nose delicately across Hongjoong's.

Their breaths mingled together but their lips didn't meet.

Seonghwa took Hongjoong's fingers and laced them with his, reveling in the closeness.

"Hongjoong, my love," Seonghwa breathed, and Hongjoong's heart wasn't sure whether to stop, explode, or melt away.

In the gentlest press of the lips comes so much love that the boys, unable to fit it all within their over-flowing hearts, find it overwhelming; furrowing their eyebrows just slightly in desperation and love and intense emotions.

It's gentle and slow, some might say a perfect representation of their relationship thus far.

The rest of the week is spent similarly, Seonghwa stays with Hongjoong for the entire week just because he wants to.

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