빠지게 하다

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빠지게 하다  - ppajige hada : indulge

to yield to an inclination or desire; allow oneself to follow one's will.


Hongjoong slowly stirred his cup of coffee, willing it to become cool enough to drink.

Looking up, he saw the new CEO walk past the window of his office at work, waving at Hongjoong as he went.

His name was Serim.

He was kind and intelligent, and Hongjoong liked him.

He nodded his head to return the greeting and soon went back to staring at his laptop.

Slumped in his leather chair, he sighed at the lack of work he had done.

Truth be told, the only thing on his mind was Seonghwa.

It had been three months since Anyang and they still were yet to become boyfriends.

Hongjoong didn't want to make the first move though.

He wanted to wait for Seonghwa to do it or at least give him a sign that he was ready for the label.

Seonghwa had grown into his own confident person and had completely moved on from his past relationship.

There was no doubt about that.

But still, Hongjoong didn't know how Seonghwa felt about putting a label on what they had.

Hongjoong was patient and was willing to wait, he could even go without a label at all if it's what Seonghwa wants.

But Hongjoong decides he needs to talk to him about it.

He needs to know where they're at.

It was Friday that day, and he was scheduled to go and see Seonghwa's complete choreography tonight anyway, so he decides he was going to speak to him afterwards.

In the end, he just writes lyrics to a new song for the rest of his workday.

It was a quiet day in the office anyway, and anything he needed to do he could easily do at home.

Despite now finally being able to rap underground with no consequences, he hadn't yet.

He wanted to go back with new material, a mixtape, and he was still working on it.

The last one had been so angry and negative.

He had been angry when he made it; at the world and the people around him.

But now, he was happy and grateful.

He wanted music that reflected that.

It was easier said than done though.

When it was finally time to leave, Hongjoong practically ran out the office door, not bothering to say goodbye to his assistant Ravn.

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