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허세 - heose : bravado

a show of courage, especially when unnecessary or dangerous, to make people admire you.


(three week time skip)

"Seonghwa? Hey, uh, look I'm really sorry but I'm gonna have to rain-check our date," Hongjoong mumbled through the phone.

Seonghwa could barely make out the words, but unfortunately he did, and his once bright smile dropped.

It was the day before their fourth date and Seonghwa was walking on his way to his morning dance class.

"Oh, Why?" Seonghwa asked quietly, trying not to let too much disappointment show.

"I- I can't talk about it right now, I'm sorry." Is all Hongjoong says.

It makes Seonghwa unsure of his own emotions.

"Is it bad? Are you okay?"

Hongjoong answers with an "of course", but there's a crack in it, so Seonghwa lets him know he'll be coming over straight after his class ends and hangs up before the other can argue with him.

When he finally get's to Hongjoong's, using the spare key he had gifted him a few weeks ago, the place is deathly silent.

It's worrying to Seonghwa.

When Seonghwa sees that Hongjoong's not in the living area, he checks the kitchen, and the guest room.

Finding zero luck, he then goes upstairs, searching Hongjoong's bedroom and the bathroom, until he finally finds Hongjoong in his studio.

"Hongjoong?" Seonghwa calls, but Hongjoong doesn't hear.

He has his headphones on and he's squinting at the computer screen as he works on a track.

Seonghwa doesn't have to look for the deep and dark bags under Hongjoong's eyes to know he hasn't slept in a while.

"Joong," he says louder, placing a hand on his shoulder.

That's when Hongjoong finally notices him and turns around to look at him.

The look in Hongjoong's eyes is broken and absolutely heart-wrenching.

"Hey," he breathes, looking up at Seonghwa, who then crouches down to his level and slides his headphones off.

"How long have you been up here?" Seonghwa asks.

Hongjoong knows he can't lie to him.

"A day or so."

"How much have you eaten?"

"I had dinner last night."

The conversation is quiet, as if they're scared they'd break one another with their volume.


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