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까다로운 - kkadaloun : fastidious

very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail.


Three years.

Three years of living in their beautiful and cozy little house on the outskirts of Seoul.

Three years of cuddles, kisses, and fluffy socks by the fire.

Three years of, in their not so humble opinion, domestic bliss.

Hongjoong had kept on with his rapping and had since become one of the most popular rappers in the underground scene.

It was like Hongjoong was living the best of both worlds, being a hard-working businessman and earning enough money to pay the bills and take his boyfriend and his friends to places all over the world, and also doing what he loved, music.

He had even been offered a few record deals, but always declined.

Despite being raised and practically forced into the business world, and despite his love for rapping, he did enjoy doing what he did.

He liked the people he worked with.

It was straightforward, not too time-consuming, and it left him with a stable income that he could use to dote on the people he loved.

He wouldn't give it up for anything.

In fact, in the past three years, their group of friends had taken trips to London, California, South America, and Northern Ireland.

They did most things, saw most things as a big group, but for a few days on each trip, they'd go off in their couples and have date days. (Yes, Wooyoung and San had finally grown the balls to ask each other out, and Jongho began a relationship with Seonghwa's dance instructor Yeosang, who fit easily into the group with his charismatic and funny nature.)

The past three years had been an adventure for all of the friends.

Yunho and Mingi followed in Seonghwa and Hongjoong's footsteps, buying a two-story house in the bustle of central Seoul, only about half an hour away from Hongjoong and Seonghwa by car.

Of course, they always had room for Seonghwa should he need somewhere to stay, and Seonghwa had a key, although he was now quite sure he'd never need it.

He had grown confident and sure of himself and of his relationship with Hongjoong, which wasn't dulling out, but only growing more and more heated and exciting with every day that passed.

Every kiss and every touch still felt like their first and they couldn't help but fall more and more in love.

They were always working on their house and yard, knocking down a wall and adding a window here and there, planting a tree, and growing fruit.

Seonghwa liked to think, no, he knew he had finally achieved pure happiness.

Every time he looked at Hongjoong, and every time Hongjoong looked at him, eyes full of love and devotion just for him, he knew he had gotten everything he'd always dreamed of.

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