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호됨 - hodoem : acrimony

anger and bitterness : harsh or biting sharpness especially of words, manner, or feelings.


When the train finally ground to a halt, it was around 3pm.

Hongjoong had long fallen asleep, Seonghwa still laid across his chest, unable to break free from his apparent role of Hongjoong's teddy bear.

He had been lightly singing to himself for the remainder of the journey since Hongjoong fell asleep, around half an hour ago, and so he wasn't complaining about the lack of Hongjoong's conscious presence.

He had found it relaxing, and Hongjoong getting extra rest was never a bad thing, especially since he had stayed up all night two days prior.

Just as he was about to pull himself out of the elders grasp and wake him, Daniel shuffled sheepishly in looking nervous, but once he saw Hongjoong with closed eyes and a slightly open mouth, he visibly relaxed.

"Just came in to get my stuff. He's.. he's pretty mean, huh." Daniel jokes, nodding toward Hongjoong.

Seonghwa's eyebrows furrow together.

"What? No, he's not. Why would you say that?" Seonghwa's effort to speak quietly along with the offense of the other man's statement making his voice heighten in pitch.

"Well, calling you 'his' but you're not dating and then attacking me for flirting with a single man? Kinda mean don't you think? Possessiveness is kind of a red flag, Seonghwa."

"It's Seonghwa-ssi to you, Daniel. And I'll have you know I am most certainly his, just the same as he is mine." He spat, carefully untangling himself from Hongjoong's arms.

Seonghwa stands up, checks to see if Hongjoong is still asleep, and then turns to the other man.

"Our situation is confusing and that's my fault because I'm an idiot. He had every right to say what he did and it most certainly was not mean, or a red flag, or anything else!" Seonghwa walks towards the man, pointing at him, absolutely seething.

"All he did was state the facts, we don't have labels, and I'm his. Don't you dare try and say anything negative about him or our relationship when you've only known us for five minutes and didn't even make an effort when things got awkward. You only ran away like a coward. Get your stuff, Daniel, get out, and never let me see you again. I happen to be pretty possessive too, and I don't like it when people insult what's mine."

Daniel scoffs and rolls his eyes, pulls out his bag from the overhead storage, and leaves, muttering something in english.

Seonghwa huffs as he watches him go, turning to Hongjoong once he's out of sight.

Daniel had been intimidated by Hongjoong and he had said next to nothing.

Seonghwa had a full go at him, walking right up to him and practically yelling, and he had only scoffed.

He could never manage to scare anyone, probably due to his chubby cheeks.

It was the most annoying thing about him from his own perspective.

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