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The next day came pretty fast, the masked girl didn't show up for morning exercise and breakfast. She probably slept in. It's a new week and they got a new instructor, this makes Yusuf worry as the week's officer is an asshole.

The sound of the alarm kept disrupting her sleep, she tried to ignore it but it kept beeping. She removed the blanket from her and slowly opened her eyes. The sun rays confronted her immediately, she quickly got off the bed and checked the time and it reads 10:47 a.m. How did she end up being this late?

She showered and got ready in ten minutes and munched on one can of Pringles. She semi-ran to the field and quietly joined them without getting the officer's attention.

"Why are you late?" Yusuf asked her even though he knows she might not answer him.

She chuckled and replied. "I made the mistake of resting my eyes after my alarm"

"The most dangerous mistake in the history of mistakes" He replied and she nodded ending the conversation.

She showered again during the lunch break and changed since her uniform got dirty during the morning practice. She prayed and sat to eat another can of Pringles and two packets of Oreos cookies. She left the room after the lunch-over bell.

The instructor came and passed through the rows correcting one thing or another till he came to their row. He stared at her too much for her liking.

"What is your name?" He questioned. She didn't answer and He asked again.

"Masked girl" She replied.

"I asked you a question" He shouted.

"That's my name sir"

"Do I look like I'm joking with you?" He said again. She kept mute not replying to him.

"Remove your mask" She heard him say. That is something she will never do.

"Don't make me repeat myself" He barked out.

"I'm sorry sir but I can't"

"Will you remove it or not?" He shouted again.

It was noted before she got admitted here that no one will ever ask her to remove her mask no matter what. Her eyes blurred with tears.

He couldn't stand it any longer no matter how much he didn't want to interfere. "She said she cannot remove it"

The instructor chuckled and said "Stay within your limits Aliyu"

"You can't just force her to do what you want"

He got annoyed with what Aliyu said. The scene got intense as both men started arguing. Aliyu is never good with his temper.

The officer in charge came to the scene. "What is going on here?" He questioned getting their attention.

The instructor lied immediately "She wasn't standing well and I corrected her but she refused then Aliyu interfered"

"I didn't ask you" The officer said to him and then asked the masked girl. She told him what happened, he talked to the instructor and then the student.

THE MASKED GIRL Where stories live. Discover now