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Third person's POV

Suhail called her after some minutes to hear about the gift but couldn't reach her. He tried a couple of times and later gave up thinking she had fallen asleep. She didn't reply to his texts the next day and that made him worry because that was so not like her. He didn't have a lecture in the morning so he didn't go to the school till the afternoon and he was so worried because he couldn't contact her all day. He wondered what kept her away from her phone. From talking to him?

When he got to the school, her coursemates were in the laboratory having a practical so he carried on with his activities thinking she was in with them and that was why he couldn't reach her all day. She has the habit of keeping away from everyone and her phone when her life is a mess, she claims it helps clear her mind.

After he was done with his lectures he went to the library where she was supposed to be with a few of her friends but she wasn't there. He asked around and was told she wasn't present in school the whole day. Hafsat is not someone who misses lectures no matter the circumstances she respects her attendance a lot.

One of her friends offered to go check her room for him to see whether she was sick or something but her room was empty, she was not there. He panicked after that and called Fatima to hear from her because she was the last person she was with last night and she wasn't in school either. Her phone also wasn't going so he sent someone to see whether she was in her room and he was told that she left school early in the morning.

He checked every place he knew Hafsa could go to but she was not there, her phone had not going through since yesterday night. He informed Daddy when he realized she was nowhere to be found. The school management and the police were informed and it was confirmed that Hafsat was missing. A search warrant was issued and the police alongside Suhail started looking for her, Fatima was the last person she was with so she was the main suspect.

They went to her house to ask her questions but were told that she had traveled to her hometown in the morning to visit her grandparents. Suhail knows there has to be another reason for her to travel when school is not on vacation, something is definitely going on but he is too keen on finding Hafsat to think of anything and he believes Fatima will never harm her so they continue with their search.

Two sad miserable days passed with Hafsat missing and they don't have a single clue about her whereabouts. The police went to Fatima's house after she had returned from her village and she has sworn that she escorted Hafsat back to her room that night. Her statement proved her innocence since everyone knows she holds no grudge against her, no one holds grudges against Hafsat then who could have taken her? And why? She did not just disappear on her own.

Everyone was troubled, her parents couldn't get a decent sleep the two days she went missing, they lost their peace of mind alongside her disappearance. Her mother had been glued on the prayer mat praying for her freedom wherever she was and her father as well he is also concerned with his phone waiting for a call from her capturers to hear their demand because it had been confirmed that she had been kidnapped, they were all waiting for a call to go get her.

Suhail had lost his calm for not knowing where and what condition she was in. It was baffling how she was just taken without any trace. He wandered around every street, every place, and every nook and cranny looking for her. Little did he know that she was right under his nose and that she was his only enemy.


Hafsat woke up to find herself in a room her head spinning. It took her a few moments before she realized what was going on, she remembered passing out after she sniffed something. She looked around and realized that her hands were tied on the bed in a small room with two doors and no window. What is happening? Why is she tied up? How could Fatima do this to her?

She tried to let herself free and off the bed but shouted for help when she couldn't remove the cuffs from her hands. She wondered who kidnapped her and what the person wanted.

The door opened revealing the last person she expected, someone she despised more than anything in the world.

Abdallah majestically walked in with a mischievous smirk on his face. "Finally my sleeping beauty is awake"

He took slow steps towards the bed and she quickly moved to the other side when he tried to touch her face and he chuckled. "Your prince charming had gone crazy over looking for you"

"What do you want from me?" She scowled at him defiantly. He tsked as he shook his head and sat on the bed making her pressed harder on the wall and he laughed again. "I have always hated Suhail since he took away my position and I've been looking for a way to get him until I was told he has a sister"

"I wanted to get back at him by hurting you hence why I got on the ride with you but I couldn't get you out of my head after I had a taste. I realized that you are not his sister but his cousin and his girlfriend after you got into our school. Apart from getting back at Suhail, I crazily crave to know what your body will feel like underneath mine"

He gets off the bed and moves to where she was pressed on the wall. "But each time I try to talk to you, to tell you how much I need you- your lover boy interfered. I don't know what you see in him that I don't have, I will give the world to you if you agree to my desire but you didn't and I was going insane because you consumed my thoughts" She couldn't believe her ears, how is he talking comfortably about this? He is talking as if she is a toy to play with.

"Fatima will do anything to be with Suhail and I will do anything to get back at him and have you, it's a win-win situation. It is like killing two birds with one stone"

He finished with a laugh and got on the bed as he inched towards her and she shifted to the other side. "I will never let you touch me"

He laughed harder and got away from her. "Run all you can for now" And he left with that.

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